
Mar 11, 2013

Well...I'm on Spring Break now.  Haven't had much time to blog like I anticipated.  I went to the gym today.  It kicked my behind!!  Literally.  My behind is sore as all get out, but its a good sore, the kind that lets me know I was actually doing something there, and not just playing around.  

My eating...Okay so here it is,  I really think I am going to talk to the nutritionist at my Dr.'s office because I want it documented that I have put the effort forth to figure out what I am supposed to eat.  I always wonder, is the lap band diet LOW carb or NO carb or are carbs OK as long as you get your protein in first?  Is it okay to occasionally eat bread, pasta, and even sugar?  Because I am not sure, I am forever trying to keep myself on a high protein low carb diet. But I DO eat carbs, I try to limit myself to one carb item per day. Here's what I had today

Br:  Bacon & Eggs

Sn: Muscle Milk (very low sugar, and 20g of protein, 180 calories and mm mm good!!)

Lunch:  The meat, cheese and veggies from a Subway sandwich (did not eat the bread!...I would've gotten a salad but they charge 1.00 more for that and I think thats bull, since I'm not getting the bread)

Sn:  Corn Chips and green onion dip

Dinner:  1 Marinated boneless skinless chicken thigh, and a small bowl of broccoli cheese soup


I am scheduled to go in for a so-called fill tomorrow afternoon (thank God I checked the page today, because the Dr's office did not call to remind me).  Sometimes they call, sometimes they don't.  And they wonder why people are no-shows....  I will be surprised if I get anything more from this appointment than just a lecture.  I shouldn't even get that I have doing my very best to follow the eating, and I exercise.  I haven't received a fill in almost 2 years, despite coming to fill appointments, and they wonder why my fill appointments are so infrequent....hello, I don't have time to sit in a Dr.'s office half the day, only to walk out, after seeing the Doc without getting a fill!!  Frustration...

I am going to complete my appeal this week and submit.  Kind of makes me sad.  I was hoping to get bypass this week but instead I have to beg the insurance company to pay for my surgery...but as always, I am going to make the best of it.  When man says no, God can and will say Yes!  Maybe its just not my time.

Last time I posted, I said my Dr. put me on Metform.  That stuff makes me feel physically sick!!  My stomach is bubbly and achy all day and I feel like I am going to vomit.  I took myself off of it and now I have put myself back on insulin, which does nothing to help my PCOS, but at least my blood sugar is under control and I don't feel like I'm going to vomit all day.  Hopefully the Dr. can prescribe something else that works well with PCOS and diabetes.

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About Me
Raleigh, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2008
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