Conquering obesity

Jun 13, 2011

Hi all 

As promised, I am informing you all on what I decided in regards to surgery versus no surgery. As I previously stated, I was very reluctant when considering the RNY bypass. However, I knew I had to call the hospital by Wednesday June 8th (that was their rule) to let them know of my decision. Therefore, I had a mere TWO days to decide what I wanted. When Wednesday came around, I was still unsure as to what my decision was but what I did know was that this was an opportunity I could not so easily disregard. I decided to phone them on Wednesday and let them know that I would like to proceed with the surgery, although I still had not made up my mind. I knew that if I said "No", I may not be given this opportunity again in the future. I knew I needed more time to research.

I have decided that I am going to go through with it. I know I cannot live like this any longer. If it means that I will be happy and healthy, I am willing to overcome any obstacle or complication that may arise.

I also have my first appointments. They knew that I was travelling, so they put two appointments in the same day for me (how kind of them)! I have an appointment with the RN and dietician at 2:00 pm on October 10th, 2011 and then with the psychologist at 3:00 p.m. Although I am upset that I have to wait four months, I have been overweight for my entire life so this should be a breeze. In the meantime, I have to get bloodwork done.

Thank you for reading and joining me on my journey. It will be a long one but I know it will be worth it.

Take care and keep smiling.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 28, 2011
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