Exercise: What others are doing, what I'm doing

Aug 20, 2013

Today I weigh 316.  Not sure how I feel about that, but at least it's down.  I think I'm still sulking that I gained that all that much weight.  Bah. 

I asked my facebook friends and relatives to tell me what they do for exercise.  I was really curious. 

The responses include:

physical therapy
belly dance
kick boxing
lifting cheeseburgers

That last one made me giggle hardcore.  To be honest I was surprised at all the variety of answers I got. 

I am personally taking an interest into calisthenics.  Last night I did ten sit ups (crunches), ten push ups (modified), ten squats, and ten supermans.  This left my legs feeling like Jello.  I could at least perform the squats.  When I attempted to do the pushups, my arms kept buckling from my weight so I had to do modified.  Even with modified my arms buckled and crapped out on me.  I have like, no arm strength whatsoever.  I used to be able to do situps for martial arts, but when I did them last night, my butt bone hurt insanely.  I did crunches and was able to complete them halfway up.  With the squats, I made sure that I was in a near sitting position.  I never understood what I was doing in high school when the coach had us lean up against the wall and do them.  I just did them.  My 32 year old body cried in pain yesterday trying to do these squats.  But I did them. 

So yeah, all that left me feeling like Jello and exhausted.  I went to bed at 9:45 and woke up at 6:45.  I am seriously lacking in sleep, but my body appreciated the rest.  I've been so tired and sleep deprived that when I did fall asleep last night, I woke up trembling from chills.  Am not sure what that was all about, but my hubby is the best and covered me in a fleecy blanket like a baby.  God, I love that man.

I've been getting on the bicycle for ten minute rides.  I need to start logging my exercise, but so far so good.  The bike doesn't leave me winded.  Then again, I suppose I could pedal faster.  I like to pedal nice and even so I don't sprain myself and my body likes to pedal. 

I also need to get the Xbox out because I own a Kinect and Zumba (too hard) and Dance Central (really fun) and should be playing physical games more.  I mean, I coughed up the money thinking that by now I'd be a dancing superstar on the Kinect.  All that went wayward when I got pregnant.  Not to blame or have bad feelings towards my baby, but she paused my progress a little... No no, I let myself go just because I was pregnant. 



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