30 days and counting....

Aug 20, 2011

Well, today is officially a month from surgery!!

I am SO excited... I really cant wait! I am making changes in my life now, and have been for months. I have had several realizations over this past week - no one lives forever, and I want to LIVE my life - not watch it pass me by!!

I just recorded my weight and inches, and am amazed to see the inch losses! I have lost inches everywhere - which I know, because I have already dropped a clothing size - I went from a women's size 38, back to a 36 - and those are lose on me now!! Unfortunately, I only have one size 34 pants, and 2 size 32 pants, so I am going to be at a loss when I lose more!! I am still wearing the old pants - even though they are falling down, lol... I REFUSE to buy any clothes - it doesn't make any sense at this point - I will only be in them for a little over a month at the most, lol.. and I plan on spending my recovery time in sweats and loose pants anyhow, lol.. and we will see how far I have come once I am scheduled to go back to work!! 

I have made a promise to myself, that I will not weigh myself until my 2 weeks appointment with Dr. Binetti. I want to wait and see how much I lose then. After that, I am only going to weigh myself once a week - on either Saturday or Sunday, and record my weight here. My scale is off my 2 pounds from the doctor's scales - their scales always show me 2 pounds lighter, lol... so I really dint mind going after I weigh myself at home most times!!

I ha vent been going to the gym as much - my son started school, and my work hours are down to part time in the office and part time at home, so I ha vent been able to get away as much. I am making a promise to myself today, that I will get in some exercise every day. From now until eternity.

Tomorrow is my appointment with the cardiologist - at 12:30, and it is within walking distance from the office (about a quarter mile) so I am going to walk there and back to the office - that will work for that day's exercise.  Tuesday, I am off of work for my ob/gyn appointment. I think I will leave to get my son (he has to be picked up at 3pm) at 12:45, which will put me there at 1:30, and work out for an hour - elliptical, ARC, arms, and back... that will really help me feel good. I dint have to work that day, so just the gym might be great!! My period is due in a week, so I want to break the gain / loss cycle of that!! 

I am coloring my hair tonight - back to brown. I have been a blond for SO LONG, but, since I cannot dye my hair for a year after surgery, I really need to look as "normal" as possible. So, since surgery is a month away, I am dying it now, and also taking my vitamins, pretty religiously. I realize there will be some hair loss, so Biotin is on board now, and so is Vitamin D, although I realize I will have to switch to a different kind of Vitamin D (D3 is not absorbed after surgery) in a couple of months. 

My kids all know now that I am having surgery - the boys don't know for what, but know I have to be away for a few days. My daughter knows exactly what is going on, and is super supportive. My middle son Noah has difficulties handling change, so I had to tell them once I had a date. He is struggling a little already, so telling him now was good - he is Bipolar, with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Aspergers. Needless to say, change affects him TREMENDOUSLY!!! He doesn't handle change well, and tends to act out when I am not here. Those 4 days in the hospital are going to be hell for him. He is going to be depressed, and nerved, but I have the school on board, as well as his counselors to help him get thru it. I will also talk to him as much as possible during that time. He will still have school, but can at least spend the weekend with his dad, which will make him feel a little more in charge of his life.  He realizes that he is in control of himself, and making good choices will only benefit him, so hopefully, he will be fine. 

My mom had to go have some tests done at the hospital this past week - she has her follow up appointment with the doctor on Tuesday - they are going to schedule her surgery at that time. I am hoping she gets her surgery scheduled soon - I realize she is going to have to be out of work for a while, but I need to be there for her when she has her surgery. She has never had surgery and is terrified. Fortunately, they found out what is wrong with her now - otherwise, she could have dropped dead from an aneurysm at any time - yes, it would have been fast and painless for her, but it would have been devastating to everyone around her. Once her surgery is done, I will feel better. 

Have to go color my hair!!! Excited to see this change!! CHANGE IS GOOD!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 09, 2011
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