Stalls and getting thru them

Sep 14, 2012

I have become an expert at breaking my stalls. The problem is, I lack the motivation to do what I know works!! For me, its a variety of things. Cut carbs - all of them. Easier said than done, because once you allow those demons back into your body, its hard to get them out!! 

The other thing that works really well for me is to just not eat. If I go to protein drinks - as I did in the beginning and do that for about a week, then go onto straight up proteins, I lose weight. Crazy amounts of weight!! So, if its just that easy, why arent I doing it?

Well, reason number one - I love food. I do. Like seriously. I love cooking, baking, experimenting with different flavors.

Recently, my 8 year old was dx'd with Celiacs Disease. This is a Gluten allergy (gluten = wheat). He cannot eat bread, cereals, baked goods, pasta or anything with caramel coloring in it. Salad dressings are evil for him - unless they specifically say "Gluten Free" - Thank you Ken's!! You have saved his life!! 

Needless to say, the last month of cooking has had to get creative. Okay - no problem. Gluten free pasta, gluten free breads and cereals, and snacks... all good. He loves it all, and is rolling with the punches pretty good - he doesnt want to be in that kinfd of pain EVER again!! I certainly dont want those hours and days at the hospitals, and hearing words like "lymphoma, Chrons, chronic pain, chemo..." Those are phrases you should not have said about your tiny 8 year old child, who is lying on the bed, writhing in pain, running a fever... the one who has lost 8 pounds from his little 70 lb frame, and cant run anymore. Has no energy, complains that his joints hurt... My normally active (ADHD) 8 year old was a frail little boy for months. Tests, hospitals, needles, surgeries... all to weed out the possible problems.

Anyhow, I got caught up there for a moment... It was in those moments that I realized why I had taken this journey to begin with... it was for this little child (and his siblings) that was cradled in my arms crying in pain. He was the reason I went thru the most grueling thing I have ever been thru. Being able to run with him... play with him... keep up with him as he needed a parent to be able to. Now that I am able to do those things, he needs my love...

Josh has gotten better every day, and has even gained a couple of pounds back!! He still tires easily, and always wants to cuddle, but he is not in pain. He runs around again for short times. We play together.

Its time for me to get back into things - to be able to keep being what he needs. I bought 2 Four packs of Pure Protein shakes last night. This weekend, I am back on track - even if just for 2 meals a day... I will eat dinner with my kids, and get back to my Insanity routine. After this weekend, the stall should have broken - if not, full liquids for a week. Yes, a week - that way, I know it will drop quickly... and I will feel good again.

From 400.8 to 252.2 in almost a year. I'm itching to drop those "2.2" so that I can break that 150 mark before my 1 year appointment!!! 


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May 09, 2011
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