A good week gone BAD....

Dec 07, 2011

To say this has been a bad week is being kind. Let me explain.

Last weekend, my boyfriend Mike came downstairs Saturday morning and told me to pack an overnight bag, and be dressed up and ready to leave by 6:30pm. My oldest daughter (she is 15) agreed to watch my two younger sons (11 and 8) for the night so we could get away. Let me preface this by saying - I have been having anxiety attacks for the last couple of weeks, and Mike decided I needed a "get away" to relax and be good to myself.

We went out to dinner at a nice restaurant, which was stressful for me, but I managed. We went to the hotel (about 2 hours away) and had a room that overlooked the lake - it was chilly, but nice enough for us to have coffee on the deck the next morning. No kids bickering or demanding things. No dogs whining to go out, and no cats knocking water bowls down the stairs (long story!)

We got home Sunday around 11am, and I felt so much more relaxed! It was nice. I came to work Monday morning smiling and happy. Nothing was stressing me out!! 

At 3:52pm Monday afternoon Mike called me. His words were (exactly) "Josh is okay...... but..... he was in an accident. He was hit by a car". Josh is my 8 year old son - he is ADHD, and has to ride his bike to and from school (over a mile away). He was riding his bike home from school, and a car struck his back tire. He was projected off of his bike, and landed head first on the pavement. There were police, paramedics and the ambulance all there within minutes.

I live in a SMALL town (less than 1000 people in the entire town, less than that in the village I live in!) so everyone knows everyone - the NYS Trooper knows me from high school, the sheriff does as well. I am on a first name basis with all of the teachers and the principal of the school, that is how small it is. I know all of the parents and other kids. Everyone knows everyone here.

Josh is okay. He was taken to Albany Med (one of the best trauma hospitals in our area, and coincidentally the same hospital I had my surgery at!) and was treated fro facial lacerations, a broken nose, an ex-pulsed tooth (one of his adult front teeth was completely knocked out) and a fractured jaw. He is alive, he is home. I am so thankful!! It could have been SO much worse!! 

Thru all of this, my eating has gotten completely sidetracked. I have focused so much of my time, energy and money on making sure Josh had his needs met (soft food diet for a few weeks, no school, no running, no bike, and limited talking!) that mine have fallen to the side. I have, however, lost over 3 pounds since the accident. I cant eat much - a protein bar here and there, and last night, a half of a piece of fish. I feel nauseous and everything makes me sick now. I have been getting in all of my water though! That is one of the most important things I can do for ME.

Now that things have calmed down a little at home (Josh ate the other half of a piece of fish last night!! YAY!, and spoke for more than 2 minutes!) I have to return to "my world" of food. I didn't turn to anything bad during this time - well, the night in the hospital, I had a few baked Lays, but there was nothing else in the vending machine that was WLS friendly, lol... but overall, I think I did really well.

Stress can inhibit your weight loss. Something many of us don't think about. I have a high stress job (I work in health insurance) and high stress kids (one is disabled, and 2 are ADHD) and an ex-husband who is psychotic (literally - he is schizophrenic/bi-polar and off his meds more than on). All of that is what contributed to my weight gain. Now, I have to manage my stress, so it doesn't inhibit my loss.

Anyone have any suggestions on de-stressing? "Me time" is almost impossible to get, given my situation, but can happen 1-2 nights a week, after all of the kids go to bed - provided I don't crash first! ANY advice is helpful and appreciated!!! 


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