Does slow and steady win the race?

Feb 20, 2012

Okay, so I have been battling the same 10 pounds for over a month now. I reached out to people on my facebook support group for help. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here...

Here is a typical day:

Up at 5:30am
Leave house at 6:30am
Drop my daughter off at school and get to work at 7:30am
Breakfast - 8:30am, 8oz yoplait light, or wonderslim cereal or Special K high protein cereal
Work, work, work
Snack at 10:30 - protein bar or cheese (laughing cow with a few whole grain crackers)
Work work work
Lunch around 12-1pm (depending on my meeting schedule) salad with chicken and a little dressing
Work more
Gym usually from 2-3pm (Where I do 30 minutes of cardio on either the ARC or the elliptical, and 30 minutes of various strength training)
Work some more
Leave work at 4:30, pick up my daughter from school
Home around 6pm
Dinner around 6:30 - which I usually pick at, since I'm not hungry and food hurts at night
Bed around 10pm.

Between dinner and bed, I have 3 kids - there are showers, homework, snacks and dealing with my middle sons "issues" (He is disabled - Bipolar disorder and PDD, a form of Autism) of the night.

There have been a lot of stressors lately and I am wondering how much that is effecting me. My son was hospitalized for over 3 weeks due to his issues, and my mother was also hospitalized at the same time for viral meningitis. My job is normally stressful, but someone messed up big time, and I have been left to pick up the pieces (moreso than usual).

Someone on facebook told me I am not getting in enough calories (between 500-650, depending on the day) and my body is holding onto fat because of that. I am getting in all of my fluids, and exercising quite a bit. My strength training is going SO much better... I am losing inches from my body, just not weight. I know this is a stall, but it always goes thru your head that you are going to fail at this. I mean, we all failed at every other kind of diet we ever tried. I know, I know, this isnt a "diet"... this is a lifestyle change, and I have changed. I dont eat simple carbs, I dont eat sugar. I exercise all the time. I am always on the go - I have more energy... but, I am still almost 300 pounds. I want it to go away. Yes, I know, I didnt gain it overnight, and I wont lose it overnight. I guess I'm just frustrated.

So, how do I jumpstart the weight loss? I see my doctor again in a month. If nothing has changed by then, I will be saying something at that appointment. I was hoping to have lost another 20 pounds by my birthday (about 2.5 weeks away) so I couls say I had lost 100 pounds since surgery. THAT isnt going to happen. I know I need to remember to be gentle with myself, and not have super high expectations. I have to allow my body time to adjust to the changes that it has made already, and be happy that I have lost over 100 pounds so far. It's just hard when I know I have over 100 more to go. I want to see the number I have lost as a higher number than what I have to lose yet...

Will I ever reach goal?


About Me
Surgery Date
May 09, 2011
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