Accountability, and what it means to me

Mar 05, 2012

Normally, I write my blog every Sunday, along with doing my measurements, and weighing in, it has become my ritual of sorts. It is where I hold myself accountable for my actions the previous week.

This past Sunday, I did not post.

This is because, quite honestly, I have found myself slipping back into old habits. Not exercising, not working my tool, not eating my proteins first, not getting all of my water, not taking my vitamins like I should.

So, it is time for me to be accountable for my last couple of weeks. Here are my "strays" and how I intend to fix them:

No gym / exercise in over 10 days. Starting today, I am back at the gym - even if just for 20 minutes of strength training. I find my body feels better when I exercise. I want to run a marathon this summer, and do the warrior dash as well - it isnt going to happen if my fat ass sits on the couch all the time!!

Not getting my protein in first. This is a big one for me. I fight on eating the protein first, because it is more dense, and fills my pouch faster, making me less able to eat the foods I "like". No more. Time for me to get on the protein bandwagon!! I have started recording my foods again daily on (I am littlewitch1973 if you want to hold me accountbale on there!). I am being brutally honest with what I am putting in my body. Its too bad that app doesnt have a "poop counter" that would track if you have gone to the bathroom that day!! That is an issue as well, but I digress....

Not taking my vitamins. This is a really hard one for me. I have been really bad since the beginning about taking pills. I do manage to get in my multi, Biotin, and Prilosec daily. The rest of them... eh, not so much. Usually once a week, those make it into my system, and that is after a lot of guilt on myself, and I realize I am worn down from not taking them. I NEED to make sure I get them in!! They make me feel better!!! Suggestions on how to get those in??? I could really use some help there!!

Water - ah yes, water. I love water. Before surgery, I would drink 150 oz of water a day, and not be affected. Of course, I could also eat a huge amount of food, and had very little control over my head hunger. Now that I have a limited amount of space, I find it hard to get it all in. I wound up with a UTI a few weeks ago, and that really hit home. I realized I needed to get my water in, any way I could. I have been doing a LOT better at getting it all in, and plan on keeping it that way!!

When I started this journey in March of 2011, I weighed in at the doctor's office at 400.8 pounds. When I weighed myself on Sunday, I was 289.8. This is a difference of 111 pounds. My six month surgiversary is coming up on the 21st of this month. I have a goal to be down 120 pounds by then. If I can get myself back on track with my food and exercise, I have no doubt I can do it!! I am going to push myself every day to get in some form of exercise, work the protein and not settle or empty calories.

I want to be thin... I want to be healthy.... I want to be happy when I look in the mirror. Only I can make that happen.


About Me
Surgery Date
May 09, 2011
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