1 Week Post-Op

Feb 25, 2010

I had my surgery on 02/17/2010.  It was 2 days late due to a scheduling conflict at the hospital.

During surgery, Dr. Gorospe found that I had a hiatal hernial.  He seemed to not be too concerned about it and said that he repaired it and everything else went fine.  The night of my surgery (Wednesday) is such a blur.  I was in and out for most of the evening and remember feeling nauseated for a good part of the day.  My mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law were so sweet.  I remember waking up and seeing both of them above me.  They brought me flowers and were really great.  I had told everyone else not to come but they just would not listen.  My husband is an angel!  I love him so much and I do not know what I would do without him.

Thursday - I woke up and felt much better although I still felt like I had been hit by a truck.  They removed the catheter early in the morning and had me up and walking around the floor.  It was painful but not too bad.  They brought me breakfast which I could not eat and then lunch - same results.  I was discharged home later that afternoon and Matt drove almost 1 1/2 hours home.  

Although I was glad to be home, I could not get comfortable and I was miserable.  I was really upset and in a lot of pain and thinking that I had made the biggest mistake of my life.  I had visitors Friday and Saturday but just preferred to be around Matt.  People were nice but all I wanted to do was be left alone.  My mom stayed the night but did little to comfort me.  She basically slept in my spare bedroom and got up the next day and left.  

Sunday was much better.  I was able to get up and do a little walking around the house.   I loaded the dishwasher and did some dishes and gathered some laundry.  I was feeling much better.  

Monday came and I was just too sore to go to work.  I called in and slept until noon.  After I took a shower and sat at the computer I felt much better.  I actually cleaned out my purse and balanced my checkbook and when Matt came home I broke down and cried and told him that I was sorry that I had ruined both of our lives!!

He laughed and smiled and said that he was fine and we stayed home and watched TV together.  I started to feel much better!

Tuesday - I got up and went to work and it sucked!!  I was so sore and tired but I have no leave and I therefore had no choice.  I am starting to hate protein shakes and this liquid diet sucks!  I came home that night, watched some American Idol and was asleep by 9pm.  I was exhausted.

Wednesday  - 1 Week POST-OP - This day went much better!  I told most of my friends at work and everyone seemed positive and wished me well.  I felt much better today also.  I did not do good on the protein and drink some skim milk blended with an egg and a 1/4 scoop of protein.  



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