Almost 1 YEAR!

Jan 24, 2011

It has been almost a year since my surgery and I am down to 144 pounds.  I am wearing a size 8/10 and I am loving it! 

I love being able to try clothes on and decide that I don't like how they look on me versus not being able to fit into them!  It is amazing. 

16 Weeks Post-OP

Jun 07, 2010

I am going to be 16 weeks post-op on Wednesday, June 9th and I couldn't be happier!

I have RNY surgery on February 17, 2010 and it has changed my life.  I am now down to 187 and I feel so much better. 

I am enjoying myself more and actually enjoy working out.   

I still struggle everyday to get my protein in but that is to be expected as it has been an life altering event! 

I have gotten rid of all of my size 18-20 clothes and I am now wearing 16's that are too big for me.  I need new underwear and bras and I love it!  I am going to treat myself to a shopping spree soon!

2 Week Post-OP

Mar 03, 2010

I am now 2 weeks Post-Op and doing good.

I weighed this morning and I currently weigh 215 lbs. 

That is a 22 pound loss in 2 weeks.  I have not done my measurements yet so I don't know about the inches yet. 

I am afraid that if I were drinking more of my protein shakes, I might be able to lose more weight. 

Protein has been a daily struggle for me.  I barely handle 1 protein shake a day when I should be drinking at least 2.

I have not been eating much but I have been successful in taking my vitamins religiously!!  At least that is something to be proud of. 

I have noticed that my clothes are fitting a little loose and I have had to adjust my bra straps.  I can't wait to be under 200 lbs.   I have not been under 200 since 1999.  When I got married on 05/15/1999, I weighed 190 lbs.  I am giddy with excitement. 

My family have been great and Matt is on me everyday to eat right and gets really upset with me when he finds out that I have not been drinking my protein shakes.

People at work have been really great and supportive towards me but God only knows what they are silently thinking or saying behind my back.  Oh well!  I am not here to please anyone but myself!  I just keep telling myself that they are just envious!

It seems that it has been easier in the mornings but the afternoons have been hell!!  I can't seem to stay awake and I am constantly yawning (could be attributed to the protein).

My 2 week appointment with Dr. G is tomorrow so we will wait and see what he says.  I am going to have to start going to the gym and I don't know where I will come up with the energy!  We will have to just wait and see what happens.

1 Week Post-Op

Feb 25, 2010

I had my surgery on 02/17/2010.  It was 2 days late due to a scheduling conflict at the hospital.

During surgery, Dr. Gorospe found that I had a hiatal hernial.  He seemed to not be too concerned about it and said that he repaired it and everything else went fine.  The night of my surgery (Wednesday) is such a blur.  I was in and out for most of the evening and remember feeling nauseated for a good part of the day.  My mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law were so sweet.  I remember waking up and seeing both of them above me.  They brought me flowers and were really great.  I had told everyone else not to come but they just would not listen.  My husband is an angel!  I love him so much and I do not know what I would do without him.

Thursday - I woke up and felt much better although I still felt like I had been hit by a truck.  They removed the catheter early in the morning and had me up and walking around the floor.  It was painful but not too bad.  They brought me breakfast which I could not eat and then lunch - same results.  I was discharged home later that afternoon and Matt drove almost 1 1/2 hours home.  

Although I was glad to be home, I could not get comfortable and I was miserable.  I was really upset and in a lot of pain and thinking that I had made the biggest mistake of my life.  I had visitors Friday and Saturday but just preferred to be around Matt.  People were nice but all I wanted to do was be left alone.  My mom stayed the night but did little to comfort me.  She basically slept in my spare bedroom and got up the next day and left.  

Sunday was much better.  I was able to get up and do a little walking around the house.   I loaded the dishwasher and did some dishes and gathered some laundry.  I was feeling much better.  

Monday came and I was just too sore to go to work.  I called in and slept until noon.  After I took a shower and sat at the computer I felt much better.  I actually cleaned out my purse and balanced my checkbook and when Matt came home I broke down and cried and told him that I was sorry that I had ruined both of our lives!!

He laughed and smiled and said that he was fine and we stayed home and watched TV together.  I started to feel much better!

Tuesday - I got up and went to work and it sucked!!  I was so sore and tired but I have no leave and I therefore had no choice.  I am starting to hate protein shakes and this liquid diet sucks!  I came home that night, watched some American Idol and was asleep by 9pm.  I was exhausted.

Wednesday  - 1 Week POST-OP - This day went much better!  I told most of my friends at work and everyone seemed positive and wished me well.  I felt much better today also.  I did not do good on the protein and drink some skim milk blended with an egg and a 1/4 scoop of protein.  


02/01/2010 Stats

Feb 02, 2010

Weight 237

Height 5'4"

BMI 40.6 (Extremely Obese)*  

*How bad does that sound? 

Counting Down

Feb 02, 2010

I am twelve days away from surgery and I am looking forward to it!

Don't get me wrong, I am still nervous but I am now counting down the days and making all necessary preparations in anticipation. 

I have ordered some different protein powders and I have received my vitamins. 

All of my pre-op visits are done except for the bloodwork needed at the hospital pre-op which is scheduled for next Wednesday. 

I am trying to buy all of my supplies and get everything ready for my post-op diet. 



Jan 26, 2010

It is official people!!!

My surgery date is set for 02/15/2010!

It is so hard to believe.  Sometimes I get scared and wonder if I am making the right decision.  Is it normal to have doubts?

I have slowly told people.  I told my mother-in-law first since I felt that she would be the most supportive.  Then I told my sister and I think she is still in shock.  My mom is the same.  They both thought that I was kidding and expressed their concerns that I really did not need it.

But they don't know what it is like to live in this body.  They don't know what it is like to have been fat all of their life and always be referred to as "husky".  I look at pictures and I don't like what I see.  I need to do this.  I feel that it is my last hope and I am willing to do the hard work and I know exactly what I am giving up.

I have yet to tell anyone at work.  On one hand, I feel it is none of their business.  What do they care if I decide to have this surgery.  On the other hand, I am somewhat scared because I am not sure how I will be able to explain all of the sudden weight loss.  Anyway, I will deal with it soon enough.

As for my surgery, I am now counting down the days and I am ordering my meds and my proteins and getting things ready.  I am doing lots of research but I know it is what I want. 

Wish me luck!


It's been a while

Oct 22, 2009

I know it has been a while but I am going to try again.  I have contacted the doctor and hopefully plan on having my surgery before the end of the year. 

I have my psych evaluation and sleep study scheduled in early November so a surgery before December may just be pushing it just a little bit!  Either way, I am going to try to focus on getting this done.  I have recommitted to this journey!


Jan 13, 2009

I have finally completed the 38 page intake packet for my 1st visit with Dr. G. 

My appointment is scheduled for Friday, January 16th 2009.

I am hoping that we have a good meeting and that everything goes thru with my insurance.  I hope that I can start the preliminary testing and get a surgery date scheduled sometime by May 15th. 

This is all so new to me and sometimes I am completely overwhelmed by the process.  I told my sister today about my plans for surgery and she wasn't too happy about it.  I told her it was my decision and that I was not asking or needing her approval.  She said she hopes I know what I am doing.  I tried to play it  like I do but but I really don't.  This is all so new to me! 

Anyway, I am still doing a lot of research and trying to decide which route to go and which procedure to have done.  Hopefully, after the appointment on Friday, I will have a much clearer picture of my options and the process.  In the meantime, keep me in your thougths.   

About Me
Jan 13, 2009
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