2 Week Post-OP

Mar 03, 2010

I am now 2 weeks Post-Op and doing good.

I weighed this morning and I currently weigh 215 lbs. 

That is a 22 pound loss in 2 weeks.  I have not done my measurements yet so I don't know about the inches yet. 

I am afraid that if I were drinking more of my protein shakes, I might be able to lose more weight. 

Protein has been a daily struggle for me.  I barely handle 1 protein shake a day when I should be drinking at least 2.

I have not been eating much but I have been successful in taking my vitamins religiously!!  At least that is something to be proud of. 

I have noticed that my clothes are fitting a little loose and I have had to adjust my bra straps.  I can't wait to be under 200 lbs.   I have not been under 200 since 1999.  When I got married on 05/15/1999, I weighed 190 lbs.  I am giddy with excitement. 

My family have been great and Matt is on me everyday to eat right and gets really upset with me when he finds out that I have not been drinking my protein shakes.

People at work have been really great and supportive towards me but God only knows what they are silently thinking or saying behind my back.  Oh well!  I am not here to please anyone but myself!  I just keep telling myself that they are just envious!

It seems that it has been easier in the mornings but the afternoons have been hell!!  I can't seem to stay awake and I am constantly yawning (could be attributed to the protein).

My 2 week appointment with Dr. G is tomorrow so we will wait and see what he says.  I am going to have to start going to the gym and I don't know where I will come up with the energy!  We will have to just wait and see what happens.


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