Sleep Test

Jun 06, 2010

Okay so I have been a little remiss in properly journalling my adventure thus far, but better late than never. I had my sleep apnea test last night in preperation for my surgery which is in 22 days. This photo captures it all. I was wired to the gills, including head, legs, chest and stomach. Then the technician has to calibrate you (flex your legs, breath in and out, blink your eyes, close your eyes, look left to right, up and down) and then she nicely says have a good sleep. For those of you who may not know, not only are you wired and taped so that you can barely move - you are also gooped, in a room that is pitch black and being video taped. The pressure is tremendous not to pick your nose or engage in self-love - not that I do those things mind you. =)~

I am not great at sleeping in the best of circumstances. I usually need the tv to be on so that I can fall asleep and avoid nightmares. Something about hearing voices. So needless to say this sleep test was an adventure. After many hours of tossing, turning, having to go pee (which is quite an adventure when you are wired) I was woken up at 7:07 am by my technician and asked to fill out a questionnaire about my alertness level (COME ON!) and energy levels (Yeah OK). After I was disconnected and full of goo (which I cannot begin to describe how gross it was) I had a shower. Two shampoos later and the goo still did not come fully out of my hair.

I'm not sure how everything is giong to go, but what I do know is that I am hopeful that the future will bring much blessings and even better health. This should be fun.


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