Optifast - Day 1 or am I just practicing?

Jun 07, 2010

I thought today was the day that I was to start the Optifast. I had it marked on my calender and was prepared. I made a minor indulgence last night of a frostie as my last hurrah! This morning at 5:30 I prepared the mixture that tastes like chocolate flavored wood and took the advice of the dietician and added a Crystal Light to make this concoction more palatable. Turns out Crystal Light gets rid of the wood taste (who would have thunk it)!

So bravely I have gone forth and have consumed 3 of these delectable drinks, only to receive a message from the dietician that I am to start the Optifast on Tuesday (tomorrow). I seriously need to learn how to count. Well, for a practice run it has not been too horrible. I definitely have to make sure that I have sugar free popsciles, jello and broth on hand.

I only hope that by day 10 I am not trying to gnaw on someone's leg.

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