A better day for sure....

Jun 13, 2010

Today is a better day.  I've joined a baseball team (not sure what I was thinking since my surgery is just over a week away), I've got my blender, protein shakes and viatmins.  I've had to pick up some more broth and have discovered chicken and vegetable make a very tasty combo. The Optifast is going down better than ever before and there is no gagging - which I am very thankful for. 

I worried the first week that I wasn't consistently having bowel movements and was told that I would experience the runs.  Well, today it has hit and it is crazy!  Sorry if this is a little too much information, but I figure if I keep it real maybe someone can benefit from this.  I can't venture too far away from a bathroom facility because it seems like I have to go all of the time.  I've lost 15 pounds since joining OH.  Oh and a nice benefit - I am starting to get my energy back.  How cool is that?

Take care everyone and be kind to yourself!


About Me
Mar 28, 2010
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