I am NOT "normal"

Apr 14, 2010

And when I say WE I'm referring to those of US who are basically for lack of a better word ADDICTS...yup I said it I AM an addict and I called YOU one as well.  We are NOT normal so matter how much we WANT to be.  No matter how much weight we've LOST.  No matter how great we eat TODAY.  No matter WHATEVER you are thinking that MAKES you think you are NORMAL you just aren't.

I don't know about YOU but I've lost weight before and then my DRUG came back into my life and I gained it back....hmmm wonder if anyone else experienced that??  Just because an alcoholic is clean and sober for 2 years does that mean it's OK for him to have an "occassional" drink?  Do you really think the addiction is gone?

I was on the phone today with my good friend and we have our usual weight related convo and in that convo she shared she was up about 10-15lbs from her low.  I shared I was up 10lbs but AGAIN giving up the TON of carbs and alcohol I WAS consuming and I'm down 5 of those and I was like we just are NOT normal and YES many of us are ADDICTS...the only difference between us and DRUG addicts is that they aren't SURROUNDED by their drug of choice.  They don't have to sit down EVERY day at EVERY meal and make nicey nicey with their drug.  And we do!!  I'm 40 years old and while I have never personally been exposed to say an alcoholic I have seen "movies" and the like and I remember when an alcoholic falls off the wagon it's due to that first DRINK...just one and often they don't have a problem drinking again until BAM they have a problem.

This is what I'm telling my girl cause I MAINTAINED my weight for a year and I was eating carbs until this year and BAM I'm gaining weight.  Why cause after awhile of eating like a "normal" person my ADDICTIVE person took over and said ONE was ok so let's have TWO, or wait THREE would be real nice!!

I told my girlfriend who lives with a "normie" that it's interesting cause if she were an alcoholic I'm SURE she wouldn't be ok with them buying alcohol and leaving it around or crack or a little herion.  But it's TOTALLY ok to buy chips and bread and ice cream etc to have on HAND for our husbands, wives, children etc and we'll just have to DEAL with having that STUFF in the house.

WLS is so NOT the answer or the cure.  Just because my stomach is smaller does NOT mean I'm not an addict.  Just because I can't eat a DOZEN doughnuts does NOT mean I can eat 1 an hour.  I am constantly surrounded by my friends who have lost weight thought they were normal and then BAM.

Where am I going with this post...as always I am wherever my posts take me and hopefully it resonates with someone.  So I've CLEANED out my house and PURGED it again.  If the people in MY life need their drug they'll have to find it on the streets cause for the interest of MY healthy I can't KEEP allowing those foods BACK in. 

I must must MUST keep reminding myself... I'm an ADDICT and I'll always be one.  I am NOT normal, but I look GOOD!!

MS Shell

