I needed change in my life

Nov 05, 2011

 4 mths ago i weighed myself and was disgusted 240lbs. i was 13lbs shy of the weight i was when i was pregnant with my son, that was 7 1/2 yrs ago. I remember for 2 weeks in 2008 i was a size 12 at 179lbs. I started gaining weight and the pounds kept going up. I got lyme diease in 2010. My out look on life sucked, food was my confort. Thankfully 6 mths later i got a negitive lyme test. Then i started going back to the gym for a short time. I stopped and for 3 mths i was depressed eating and just suffering in my own self pity especially over the fact me and my fiance` couldn't concieve a child and i know i'm heavy so that makes it harder to get pregnant. So in June of this yr i started going to the track 2x a week. That stopped in August. I went downhill again. i started to pick up a hobby called Reborning, Making life like dolls and it became my coping with my love-hate for food. i now eat healthy thanks to my mother for introducing my family to Whole Foods and Trader Joes. I go to the gym 2-3x a wk and i've lost 22lbs. my goal is 20lbs by jan 1st. I plan to get healthy so we can have a baby and i can be more active with my family.

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Nov 05, 2011
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