Fucking ouch.

Aug 27, 2012

Back story: I used to be a cheerleader. I dislocated my right hip, ending my career. A few years later while I was pregnant with Josh, I dislocated my right hip again.

Last night/early this morning, I awoke from a dead sleep because my right hip dislocated again. It was about 15 ‘til 7 so I lay there and moved my leg around until I felt it pop back in. I got up to go pee, and putting weight on it hurt like a bitch on fire!!

I made it to the bathroom and back, then just lay in bed until 8:30 when the clinic opened. I had two appointments scheduled for today, so I called and had them rescheduled. I explained to them what happened and they said it was no problem at all. I changed one appointment to Friday and one to September 13th. That will be the same day I have my last pre-op appointment with my dietitian so everything will be finished at the same time.

Right around 10, I got up to go to the bathroom again. My mom was in her bathroom showering, so I told my dad to tell her I’d dislocated my hip. I heard them leave at 10:30, so I figured he told her. I continued to lay there with my leg killing me. At 11:30, my parents had come back home and my mom burst through my room door. She asked why I wasn’t up getting ready for my appointments. I asked her if my dad had told her what happened and she said, “He told me your leg was sore. If you don’t go to these appointments and keep rescheduling them, they’ll kick you out of the program.”

First of all, the appointments were the first for each doctor. I have the chance to reschedule as many times as I want as long as I get them all done before September 30th! Second, the only way I’d be kicked out of the program is if I fail to complete all my appointments before September 30th. I told her that I’d dislocated my hip. She didn’t ask me how I’m feeling or if she could get me anything. She left my room and slammed the door.

I had 2 swallows of water left over from last night sitting next to my bed. I stood and hobbled to the other side of my room to take a Tramadol because I just couldn’t take the pain anymore. I only take a Tramadol when I’m desperate for relief. Within 20 minutes, it had knocked me out. I slept until a little before 3.

When I got up, I hobbled to the bathroom again. I fixed myself a glass of Diet Dr. Pepper. That’s when my mom told me to clean the litter box. She didn’t meant to scoop it. She wanted me to dump the entire box, clean it with Clorox, then put fresh litter in it. I can barely make it to the fucking bathroom, but I was expected to carry the litter box outside to dump it in the garbage. I did it only because I didn’t feel like hearing her fucking mouth.

At 4:30, Josh came into my room and I told him what happened to my leg. I let him know that the only thing I’d had all day was the Diet Dr. Pepper. No one checked to see if I needed anything to drink or eat. He didn’t even offer to get me anything! I eventually had to hobble to the kitchen at 6:30 and fix myself something to eat and drink.

I’m also outrageously stressed out because of my finances. I get paid on Friday and before I even get paid, I’m already $65 short. My mom will NOT come off the money I pay her a month. I wish some money would just fall into my lap so I can stop fucking worrying!


About Me
Tarboro, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2010
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