Worst things about being fat:

May 22, 2011

1.     hot all the time
2.     Infertility taking over, and not being able to conceive another baby.
3.     sweating all the time’
4.    Not being able to buy or wear ready made clothes.
5.     Scared of seating on the computer chair, for the fear it might break again. As it has happened twice.
6.    While shopping trying to be careful, so that you don’t bump something from your back.
7.    Not being able to go on picnics, hiking, or any thing with long walks involved.
8.     Not being able to climb stairs.
9.     Not being able to tell any body my weight.
10.Husband analyzing what you order at restaurant. Forget going into an ice cream shop.
11.Not being able to tie the seat belts on the airplane.
12.Deleting the pictures I am in. because they don’t look good. 13.Always being at the back of the camera, never in front. Prefer it that way.
14.      Not being able to stair at the mirror for a long time.
15.Not being able to carry my baby for a long time.
16.      Fearing the back ache will be back again.
17.      Husband making fat comments.
18.Fearing my husband doesn’t like what he sees, in me.
19.Never being able to wear jeans and top, skirts, saris..
20.Trying to avoid, any family functions.
21.Worried what people are thinking and looking at me.
22.      Fearing posting my photos on face book.
23.      Fearing to meet old friends and relatives, who have not seen me in ages.
24.     Not able to wear jewelry, (large earrings, necklace) cause I wont look good in it.
25.      Not being able to get a cool hair cut, because I fear I will look horrible.
26.     Fear husband is not proud of me.
27.     No periods. And when they come very heavy periods or light periods which last for 2 months.

