Surgery...The Importance Of A Total Pre-Op Program

Aug 30, 2011

Having a good Pre-Op Program is imperative for success. A total program should include Social Counseling, Physical Therapy, Mental Health, Nutrition Classes, One on One Sessions with a Dietitian, and any other specialists that are deemed necessary by the Surgeon. I've had several personal friends and colleagues go through the procedures and with a 50% success rate because of the pre-op program or lack there of. 3 of 6 did not have successful outcomes 5+ years post-op, male and female. Trust me I know you want the procedure yesterday, but are you willing to risk your health and the possibility of not being successful?  I personally put off the surgery because I wasn't ready to commit to "jumping through hoops". They aren't hoops, they are life saving - life changing necessary tools you need to be successful in your new healthy future.

We all have different backgrounds, different issues with food, and different reasons for why we found ourselves obese. We all have worked hard to get where we are and we all will work hard the rest of our lives to get and maintain where we are going. I started binge eating when I was the tender age of 8. My first diet was Weight Watchers. I remember not being able to have the cookies and candy and I would sneak down in the middle of the night and just eat until the packages were gone. Peanut Butter was a particular favorite of mine. To complicate things more, I was also  going through the sexual abuse by sitters. It went on from age 5-12 and Physical and Mental abuse was fairly constant in the food was also my comfort. Add the teasing from school...oh boy. 

My mom had weight issues so I was drug on every diet plan she went through. I also watched her abuse laxatives and I believe she was slightly bulimic. So comes the years of WW, Slim Fast, Over Eaters Anon, Fasting, Diet Pills, Cabbage Soup, hoping it was a thyroid issue, back to WW....over and over. Getting called Fat A@@ in the home and at school..gee woohoo! Each time loosing a little gaining a lot...blowing up and blowing up and OMG...380...

I am a Survivor! We are Survivors! I am here! We are here!  We all have skeletons in our closets and we all have reasons why we are the sizes that we are. I have had such a joyous ride these last few months..a hard ride because through counseling I've dealt with a lot of the above..but I've also learned to forgive, leave it behind me and OMG I am delirious!  Happy I can't stop smiling, my kids want to know where their Mom is. I just want to share with you that it is possible to come from a dark past and pull out of it. I feel like I've come to an awakening. No more negativity, my energy is focused on me and my family. I've started exercising and I'm feeling good about it, this isn't a chore, it's not a's not something I feel I "have" to do...I want to do it. I am enjoying it...with each good feeling I want more! I'm not dreading the 2 mile walk..I'm looking forward to it...can't wait to increase it!  This isn't me 4 weeks ago...

I haven't been approved for surgery yet but I've been working the program since January 8, 2011 and I'm feeling this good. I'm totally stoked. I'm so happy I've chosen this route to surgery. If I hadn't I can guarantee I wouldn't be where I am so far. There are only more good things on the horizon and I wish anyone reading this happy and healthy days ahead!  I have no doubt I will be successful...and with a good pre-op program you will too!

Love and Light

