I am so blessed to be in this place in my life

Nov 26, 2011

I am thankful for so much. First and foremost my family and friends, my Surgeon and the staff and Memorial Medical Center. They are so wonderful! My friends at my Bariatric Group, my Nutritionist Micah!  I'm SO grateful that I haven't had any issues with anything I've tried so far! lol I am really thankful that I waited so long to have this surgery. I am at a place in my life I know I will be successful. I have overcome my demons. I think that is the most important thing. I've been overwieght all my life, a recovering emotional binge-eater. I started counseling in March and figured out my triggers and removed them from my life. It was the hardest thing in the world to do. I started using exercise as my stress outlet which feels so awesome. There is nothing like walking 2 miles a day to get your blood going. I miss it and can't wait to get back to it!  I can't wait to see what is around the corner. I don't know where I am in weight loss, and really I'm not even interested to know yet. I know I have a lot of swelling, tissues holding water and all,  but I can see changes in my body already, my husband can see them too. I feel like the next year is just going to be like christmas morning every month! lol  Just because you've had the surgery doesn't mean it's time to take the training wheels off. I'm still going to see my counselor, my nutritionist and go to my group meetings. You can't have enough support!  Attitude is everything...remember thoughts turn into things...choose the good ones!

