Bring it on 2012

Dec 30, 2011

As I reflect upon all of 2011 all I can do is say wow! Everyone is thinking about resolutions and promises and trying to figure out how they are going to get thinner, exercise more, quit smoking, get richer, etc. Everyone here has gone through or is about to go through changes that are mind blowing! I started my journey a year ago and what a ride it has been. The ride has been a lot of things but easy is not one of them. I've been turned around, turned inside out, battered, ripped to shreds, reconstructed, rediscovered, lost, found, loved, and on the road to success and health. I literally started in the dark and now I'm in the light and loving myself and life for the first time in my life. I'm only 5 weeks post op, the beginning of the surgical changes, but to me the hardest part, learning to love myself enough to make these changes has been achieved.

For anyone trying to make a lifestyle change like this, I truly believe loving yourself is the first step. The second step is finding your triggers and finding out really why food is our enemy and then getting the triggers out of our lives. The third step sweeping the negativity out of our lives one thing/person at a time. Unfortunately for me this meant I had to seperate myself from a lifetime of toxic relationship with my parents. I was codependent to my mother and totally enmeshed with her. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life standing up to them and standing on my own for the first time in 37 years, but it was the best thing I could ever do for myself and my family. After a few months I was able to forgive them for a lifetime of pain and that is when I truly started to fly. Don't get me wrong, forgiving didn't mean they were back in my life. For me to get rid of the anger and hurt I had to move on and put it in the past. June 1st, I went no contact, on August 27th I forgave and that is when my life truly changed for the best. Don't get me wrong, I will always love them, I just can't be part of the madness, I won't go into the nasty - it's in the past, but for anyone with negativity and issues please seek a psychologist and counselor who specializes in a bariatric program and is trained to help find eating triggers and deal with family matters. I am a recovering Binge Eater, Emotional Eater. One of the first things I did on my own was write a letter to each one of those habits banishing them from my life. It is very powerful taking control of your life!

I'm not going to make resolutions, I have my goals already in place and plan to keep making them. This year was my time, my time to break out. I've been so blessed this year, there is nothing I can not achieve! I can not wait to see wait next year has in store for me and I hope you have a great year coming as well.

End of 2011 (5 weeks post op) I'm down 70 pounds (32 pounds is post op), 2 Clothing sizes, I have discovered my collar bone, new ribs, I can sit in theater seats without them digging into my thighs, and I am thankful every single day for this second chance at life! I feel like I've awaken from a coma and everything is colorful!

Everyone have a happy and safe New Year's Eve.
Peace and Love


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