9-15-2011 So ready!

Sep 15, 2011

I'm still working the program. I've finally gotten to a point where everything seems so natural to me. I'm building so many good habits. So far all my outside family issues haven't set me back at all since, well since late mid August. I officially let go of things on the 28th of August and I feel absolutely wonderful. I think I've identified all of my binge eating triggers and definitely identified the main trigger of my depression and stress. I've used exercise and meditation as a way to release any stress that I have felt.  Things are really looking great.

My next appointment with my therapist is the 22nd I think...have to check out the calendar. HA!  I can't wait to tell her all the great things that have happened in the last month. I see my dietician the 27th can't wait to tell her the great things as well! I wish I was going sooner.  I have a few things I need to ask her concerning carbs but otherwise I'm hitting my protein level's daily and I have never had a challenge with fluids. 

The scales have finally started to move again. I started walking 2 miles a day and the stupid scales wouldn't move at all. I started measuring and have consistantly lost an inch in areas, just as I was ready to toss the scales out the door forever they finally moved. I was down 6 pounds over night..geeez I hate the scales. I am so tempted not to weigh at home but it would drive me nuts not to know.. ick. So far I've lost 26 lbs since I got serious about changing the way I eat and then embraced exercise. My highest weight ever was 384, from there I've lost 58 lbs. I just can not wait until they tell me my surgery date and everything is approved and good to go. I'm just so ready!

