I looking for some support, surgery is 2/12

Jan 11, 2009

Hi, my name is Gail.  I am going for surgery on the 12th of  Feb 2009.  Well i am not going thru the alone really, my 17 year old daughter and i have been jumping thru the insurance hoops together so far.  We are doing this as a team.  We are both scheduled for surgery on the same date.  We felt it was a good idea to do this at the same time to support each other.  I have had several other types of surgery before but she has never had any operations.  So i am worried for her more.  Will she be able to deal with the post surgical pain.  We both started the liquid diet on the first day of Jan.  We did the shakes during the day and then had a lite dinner.  But we are going on the full liquid only diet on the 14th of this month, because we want to make sure  we can make the wieght loss goal for the final weigh in.  We dont want anything to delay this long coming OR date.  In the first week of our diet we each lost 10lbs.   We are really happy, but we will not know how we are going to handle the shakes only diet start in 3  days. We are using the shake called whey isolate 28 that you can find in GNC.  But we dont know if we should have the shakes in fat free milk or just in water like we were doing.  We did that because we were having the lite suppers, and didnt want the added calories during that time.  But now that we are only doing the shakes should we use the skim milk.  Also if any one has any ideas about the protein powders, like is there any powders out there that are not as expensive.  Since there is 2 of us doing this at the same time, most powders will only last 3 days if there is 27 servings per container.  The containers are 40.00 each.  I will accept any help that any one can give us at this point.   Cant wait to hear from anyone who is going for the surgery or who has had it already and is willing to give support.......  Thanks

