The other thing i have realized

Feb 26, 2009

I used to be the person that would sweat if it was above 50 degrees anywhere.  Now I am cold all the time.  Why???? i used to laugh at people who wore socks to bed.  Because i always had to have my feet uncovered.  Now i wear not only 1 pr of socks to bed but 2.  And i sleep with 4 heavy comforters on in bed.  I am freezing all the time especially afer the sun goes down.  My family is laughing at me cause i always said i would rather be cold than to sweat all the time because i can put clothes on to warm up but cant take my skin off to cool down.  Well be careful what you ask for cuz i am always freezing.Can any of you tell me why i am like this, has anyone else found the same thing.  I look like nanook of the north with the heavy sweats i wear to bed also.  The other night i wore gloves to bed cause my hands were so cold too. 

