My Name is Summer and I was born and raised in Kaneohe, Hawaii. 

 I am currently in the Queens Weight Management program and hope to have my RNY in Nov. I am so excited and ready for my WL Journey, the start of a new chapter in my life (or book). 

 Wow where to start?? 

 I used to be a skinny child. I was pretty athletic and was a cheerleader and Hula dancer. Then I became pregnant at 15. After I had my daughter (who I adore) I became depressed because her dad was not there for me! We were young parents and he was still in party mode. So I was a young depressed mother who went to school and took care of a baby all on her own. It was stressful and the weight came on quickly.  I guess I was not paying attention to myself and did not notice how much weight I had gained or ignored it. 

 When my daughter got a little older I started hanging out w friends again and became more social, this is when I realized how fat I had become. So a new chapter started “the Yo-yo dieter”!  I started doing all different kinds of diets and exercise programs and went down 80lbs then back up 100lbs then back down (well you know how it goes). I would do good then a tragedy or some type of obstacle happened and I would ignore myself again.  

I have studied weight lose for years and I know how to lose it but just can’t seem to stick to it. Finally a light bulb lit up in my head I need a “life style change” and I need WLS to give me that extra push.  I know I am ready now because I am just in the pre-op stage of this new chapter and light bulbs are lighting up in my head daily about my relationship w food. I have also been blessed with so much support (Thank you Jamie and Ben).

I know it will be a struggle, a “marathon not a sprint” and I so excited about it!

About Me
Kaneohe, HI
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2010
Member Since

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