Tomorrow I go for referal

Jan 04, 2017

I see my family doctor tomorrow to get referal for my stomach scope. I hope it's done soon I don't want to keep feeling like this. I hope it goes well and they have a non surgical solution. We will see though. Whatever works. I weighed in after i was up a few hours today and had shoes on at the doctors office I weighed in at 205 so I'm guessing upon wake up and without the shoes I"m back to 202 which I can live iwth especailly since with the sick tummy I've been eating lots of carbs. i'm not going to complain about the no weight loss. Or the recent weight loss of the recent weight gain. lol. 

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New Year and back on track

Jan 02, 2017

I had saurkraut and pork for new year's eve, and day and will have more today for lunch and dinner. I'm going to have a cheese stick or two for breakfast and some coffee. I'm started on my water intake for the day and doing good so far. I'm starting the new year at 205 which isn't terrible since I had quite a few days of not eating right. I'm only three pounds up from when I was eating right. I'm really trying to start off the new year good. I hope to see my goal weight this year. It would be incredible if I could be close by my anniversary April 4th. Me and my husband are both doing well with the weight loss. He's doing it without surgery and I'm doing it with the VSG. I know we can do it. We have both seen awesome weight loss so far. I think this is my year. I'm going to see some amazing things happen this year I just know it. Happy New Year everyone.


New Year New You

Dec 31, 2016

Tomorrow I'm getting back on track, today I"m giving myself some freedom to go out with a bang. Tomorrow i will be eating saurkraut and pork roast which I'm also eating today but tomorrow I won't be eating it on a bun. 


Merry Christmas everyone

Dec 25, 2016

I'm not sure what we will be eating today but it's Christmas and I will be with family. I can't wait till Christmas next year. We are trying to adopt so hopefully this time next year we will have a little one with us. I hope you all are having a beautiful day. Hugs

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Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight

Dec 24, 2016

I'm excited about Christmas. I'm going off my diet for christmas day then back to it. I'm not worried about it. One day wont' make or break me. Is there any resolutions out there today? I'm not making any but I'm positive this year is going to be a good one. I'm buying a house this year and adopting a baby. I'm so excited. I'm working my butt off to get better so I can take care of business. I'm sick of being sick but I'm doing everything the doctors and therapists are telling me to do. It is just going to take time. I look forward to the new year. I see a thinner happier healthier me in the near future. Life is coming together if only my head was healed. 

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Sick of being Sick

Dec 22, 2016

I have been sick for a week and a half and I'm tired of it. I have been trying to stick to this diet and I'm having a hard time because when I get sick the only thing I can handle is crackers and broth. I'm still losing with me being sick but I am really wanting to get back to this diet and finally lose this weight that has been plaguing me for years. I'm sick of being heavy. I'm sick of being sick. I want to be healthy. I want to feel good in my own body. I want to be able to wear clothes that aren't tight.


Guess being sick paid off today.

Dec 21, 2016

I woke up today at 202 exactly. I've lost 20 lbs so far. I'm so happy. In a little over a month I've lost 20 lbs!!!! how exciting is that??? Wonderland oh wonderland where are you wonderland. Lol. Maybe I will be under 200 for new year. I didn't expect to be that low that quick. I'm so thankful for my restriction and the tool that is working. I wish I wasn't sick I think my loss would be quicker if I was eating what I'm supposed to be eating but 20 llbs is awesome. My mom has lost about 15 lbs and my husband has lost almost 30. I'm so excited for all of us. The wonderful thing is that the carbs do not taste like they used to so the few times I've had them doesn't bring me back to wanting them because they just don't taste good any more.

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More weight down

Dec 19, 2016

I woke up today 203.2 YAY. I'm so close to wonderland. Four more pounds and I will be there. I'm sick today but I'm going to try sticking to plan today. Today for breakfast I'm drinking water and having some cheese with pistachios or almonds. For lunch and dinner I'm having ham and cabbage. If I have any need for a snack I have some atkins snacks. I really don't know how I'm still losing because it's been a week of me not eating right because of an upset stomach. I'm not complaining. I will do the best I can until my stomach gets settled. After the ham and cabbage is gone I'm making saurkraut and pork roast. when that's gone I'm making unstuffed cabbage rolls without the rice. I've misplaced my cook book so I'm just winging it.

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woke up today with a loss

Dec 19, 2016

204.8 five more pounds and I'll be in wonderland. I had a week of eating crappy and gained a pound but I'm back and losing. Thank goodness. I thought I was down for the count. I hate being sick. Hopefully this week goes well and I get the losses that I want. I'm so close to wonderland. SO close. I can't wait to be under 200 lbs. Today I'm eating a cheese stick for breakfast with coffee and ham and cabbage for lunch and dinner. If I need a snack I have broccoli and hummus. I think I'll be ok though the ham and cabbage fills me up pretty good.

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back down a little below where I started

Dec 17, 2016

I weighed in at 205.2 today. I'm so happy to be below where I started before the week of sickness. The doctor yesterday said that my concussion is why I'm having the upset stomach all the time. She said to just eat what doesn't make me sick so that's what I've done for the last week. I haven't eaten much but I've had a lot of carbs. Crackers. I guess I still lost because my calories were so low. I'm glad to be losing again. I can't wait till I'm below 200. This concussion sure has thrown a wrench in my diet but I'm not giving up. 

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