Leslie R. 21 years, 3 months ago

Weel, it's been a while since I've posted!!! Life has been very full and ajusting to this new lifestyle has been and is great, but time consuming. I am now 9 weeks post op and I have lost 70lbs!!!! Praise God!!!! I never knew that 70 lbws would make such a difference in my life. I ws dianozed with degenraive joint disease and told that I would be in a wheelchair by my 50th birthday,which is May 4,2003, but guess what?i'M NOT HARDLY IN A WHEELCHAIR AND I'M NOT HEADING THAT WAY!!!maybe to a ski resort, but not a whellchair!!!! I was wearing a size 30 1/2 and some 28's 1/2, but now I'm wearing a size 22W and some 22's!!! What a life!!! I'm getting stares and comments on how wonderful I look and I'm not even done yet.Trying to get use to eating again is my largest concern, because some days my food gets stuck and that doesn't feel so good, but my WLS siblings are helping me and for that I'm so gratefull.Keep praying for me and e-mail me sometimes or just post a comment or two.

sunshineinjaxs 21 years, 4 months ago

Hey girl! Im so happy you have lost another 15 lbs Keep up the good work. I Love You! Celeste

Cinna G. 21 years, 4 months ago

You GO GURL!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on gettin into that pantsuit. Keep up the fab work!!

Leslie R. 21 years, 4 months ago

Well, my mother bought me a suit in a size 22W!!! Can you beleive that? all my clothes are 30 1/2 and 28 1/2's. They are hanging off me and i'm waiting to buy all new clothes. i have lost 45 lbs as of january 17th and i go to the Doc on Monday , Feburary 3, 2003. i will be 6 weeks post op. I weighed 295 two weeks ago and I hope I weigh 280 at least on Monday! But anyway, back to the size 22W suit. I tried it on today and guess what?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GOT IT ON AND ZIPPED!!!CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!! A sIZE 22w!!! WHAT A LIFE!!! i just wanted to share that and tell everyone to hang on in there!!!! Love You!!

Leslie R. 21 years, 4 months ago

Today was a great day and I had a burst of energy. I vacummed, washed clothes, made the beds and fixed lunch for my husband and I, and then later, I was his afternoon snack!!!!! that was becasue i had some energy!!!!!LOL!!!!!

Leslie R. 21 years, 4 months ago

hey everybody!!!!!! IH HAPPY DAY!!!!it is now 4 weeks( one month since surgery and i have lost a total of 45 lbs!!!!!! i was weighing 340 on the morning of surgery 12/23/02 and today I weigh 295!!!1 I haven't weighed 200 nothing in 30 years!!!1 keep praying for me as I pray for you!!!! see you right back here in 3 weeks!

sunshineinjaxs 21 years, 4 months ago

Hey girl!!!! I found you!!! Hee Hee. I wish you all the luck in the world! May God bless you! Im so glad that I met you. You have been the best any friend or person could be. You mean the world to me. I cannot tell you how much happiness you have brought into my life. well just wanted to drop you a few lines to let you know IM praying and thinking about you!!! I LOVE YOU! Your new daughter! Celeste

Leslie R. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hello everybody! I'm back again! I got lost and didn't know where to post. i've been dealing with this new life and how to eat and have been very pre-occupied! forgot to ask about me having a bowel movement and it had been almost 4 weeks since I had, but thanks to my WLS friends, you all told me to "hurry up and call the Doc" and i did and n ow that's straight. I've lost 30lbs since surgery 12/23/02 and now I weigh 306!!!! Praise God!!! I'm really hoping that next week I'll weigh 299 or beloe. It's been years, and I mean years, since I've weighed 2 hundred and anything, so you can just imagina how I'm feeling. I hope sincerely that everyone out there is coming on fine and for all of you who are waiting, it's going to well worth the trip. Just don't take no Advil like I did last night. I thought I would literally DIE, but I called the Doc and I lived. Too Strong for my new stomach! Well, until another time, now that I know how to get here, be blessed!!!! Leslie in Indiana P.S. Feel free to e-mail me @ any time.

Tamara M. 21 years, 4 months ago

If you haven't had a bowel movement in the past 3 wks. I suggest going to your Dr today. You should never go past 3 days. Otherwise you can develop a bowel obstruction to which my Ex-husband died from. If you have difficulty with being constipated you need to definitely follow-up with your surgeon.

Carol P. 21 years, 4 months ago

Leslie, 3 weeks without a BM is too long. Are you still on liquids only? Or are you getting some real food? I would take a mild laxative (with at least 8 oz. of water) and if that doesn't work, go see a doctor. Because if you are eating and drinking plenty of fluids, you should be expelling some waiste matter! Aside from that, CONGRATS on a great weight loss so far!! WAAAHOOOO!!! I hope you are feeling good and are feeling more energetic each day!! Keep it up, cuz you are "ssssmokin'". HUGS!! Carol Percel
About Me
Gary, IN
Surgery Date
Dec 19, 2002
Member Since
