Bill P. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Suzi! I also have a surgery date of March 24th with Dr. Oakley. I have a pre-op date of the 19th also. I agree with you about Dr. Oakley, he left nothing out, including the "things" that could go wrong. My surgery is right after yours, apparently, because it's at 10:45am. I also picked that week as my son will be home and my wife has it off, so I can get plenty of help from them. Good luck to you! Maybe we'll meet at the hospital or at the doc's office.

Carol P. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi sweety!! I saw your "hi Carol P" in your post so I thought I'd pop in and say hi....I know you wish your surgery date was sooner because the waiting can make you crazy. Any chance you could have it sooner if there is a cancelation? I am still struggling with my "plateau from hell" but my spirits are UP and I just keep trying. I feel great, I guess that the main thing. Write to me when you get a moment and take care of yourself!! BIG HUG!!! Carol Percel

Tamara M. 21 years, 4 months ago

Suzi, The best thing to do is to start sipping your fluids now to re-train yourself. But be sure not to use a straw. Best of Luck, Tamara

jjtheba 21 years, 4 months ago

Dear Suzi, May God bless you on this journey and give you strength and knowledge. May you be blessed with success, renewed health, and life. Janice

Leslie E. 21 years, 4 months ago

Good luck to you in March for your surgery! You have made a wise choice! I wish you the best...I am also having the DS surgery on 2/14. Blessings,

Lisa Jean 21 years, 4 months ago

Marie I just wanted to wish you a safe and uneventful surgery! I too am having the Ds/bpd on 2-20-03 and I think we chose a great wls! May you have a long healthy and happy life! God Bless! Lisa in Iowa

MommaAngel 21 years, 4 months ago

HI MARIE I just want you to know that I am praying that you will have a quick and smooth recovery to the losing side. LORD BLESS

Boopster 21 years, 4 months ago

I forgot to ask where the support meetings are held?? I would love to attend them. I think that is why I feel so out of it. Had no contact with my Dr. yet, no nutrition classes as yet. It's all suppose to happen in 3 days in CA.. Please let me know where to attend, Thanks,

Boopster 21 years, 4 months ago

Marie...How exciting having you right here in Nampa!!!!! I had an appointment with Dr. Oakley, then canceled. Since I am self pay, It is $3,000. less to have the surgery in CA.. and my sister had Dr. Ali perform her surgery. I know that Dr. Oakley only does two per week, that would have put me late spring, I didn't want to wait that long. We are going to Texas in the morning, but return Monday. When can we meet?? I need to talk to someone in person.. at night I get so scared wondering if this is the right thing to do. I look at my sisters before and after picture, and know that it is.. You can call me if you like 466-4714, would love to hear more from you. Your Idaho Sister Betty

Boopster 21 years, 5 months ago

Marie, I kinda know how you feel, I have all kinds of doubts.. Like Sharon, said, find out all you can about the surgery, ask questions. I am also 5'8 and weigh 314 and rising.. I am 57yrs old, I have Grandchildren I want to see grow up. At this stage of the game that is very likely. I was so embarresed one year, I had taken my two Grandson's to the fair. Michael, wanted to go on a ride, but had to be with another person or an adult. They tried 3 different cages for me.. I was to big to fit in one, this was in front of a lot of local people that I knew. I don't have to tell you how embaressed I was :(. God will be with you in what ever decision you make... I have surgery the 27 of this month... if you need to talk to some one please feel free to contact me.... I'll keep you in my prayers...
About Me
Dec 31, 2002
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