Carla F. 20 years, 11 months ago

Joanna---I wanted to tell you good job on your weight loss. I had my surgery on 2/21/03 and started at 242 lbs. I found you and was happy to see someone else at about the same point as me. I am also in a size 12 now!! I can totally relate to you mall experience. I am down about 74 lbs. and haven't been doing my exercise either. I've slacked off since the summer baseball season is here. But I anticipate getting back into it here within the next month or so. I hope to loose another 25 lbs. to reach my goal of 142 lbs. Let's go there together!!!

cinthygrady 20 years, 11 months ago

Joanna, you are an inspiration!!! I can't wait until I get there. I am so proud of you!

Joanna S. 20 years, 11 months ago

Hi Everyone!! Havent posted in a very long time, been very busy. And I wish I could say that Ive been doing the right thing. But first things first, Im down 75 pounds (can anyone believe that) and I went to Lane Bryant last week and fit into a size 14 (but was told by my mom that they were baggy) so went across the way in the mall to the Express and HOLY STUFFING I fit into a size 12. A size 12, I couldnt believe it, I was in shock and it took 3 people (yes 3 people - the sales girl, a sales guy, and my mom) to convince me that it was really a size 12 I was wearing. I actually cried in the store, the employees must have thought I was psychotic, but oh well. So Im down from a size 24/26 to a size 12. I cant believe I fit into a 12 at this weight - plus Im pretty short 5'04, but I cant complain. Anyway, Ive been slacking on the exercise. I was switched to midnight shift back in May and was on it til June, so I didnt hit the health club once during that time. Now I am back on Afternoon shift and am getting back to feeling normal and have started doing some small exercises here and there. Trying to get back to what I was doing before midnight shift. Well, wishing everyone lots of health and love and an awesome summer.

MommaAngel 21 years, 2 months ago

HI JOANNA Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Joanna S. 21 years, 2 months ago

Hello Everyone!! How are all my lovely AMOS sibs doing? Just posting my 4 week post op update (a little late) but things have really picked up this last week. So far I have lost 34 pounds in 4 weeks...that aint bad, if I do say so myself. I have increased my walking to 1.5 miles every other day (I did a mile a day before surgery, so Im getting back up there) - my doctor says I exercise more than him have lost a total of 16.5 inches, and have tried on some of my smaller clothes and they are big on, not like super big, but very loose and baggy...yay..I am only 7 pounds away from my step 1 goal, and 72 pounds from my personal goal (and 82 pounds from my doctors goal for me). I have divided my ultimate goal into 4 "small" steps of 25 lbs. I am so excited for everyone that has been approved or has just had surgery. IT is worth it...Those still waiting on approval take the time and explain this to your family and close friends, they may not understand what exactly youll be going through. Keep your chin(s) up and smile, the world is a beautiful place and WE are beautiful people!! Sally, youre still in my thoughts and prayers...along with the service women/men away from their homes...:-)

Joanna S. 21 years, 2 months ago

HI EVERYONE!! Ok its my 3 week update, down 29lbs...not as much as Id like, but I cant complain..People are already saying they can see the difference..Weird thing though, Ive lost several inches in my thighes and arms, but NONE in my waist or hips...Oh well, its gonna come of in whatever order it wants..Ive been a "good girl" and have started walking on the treadmill since last week (or week 2) and have increased speed and duration of walk..Yay...but these plateaus still come, its my second one this month. I lost 22 lbs the first week and so far, 7 more in 2 weeks...I cant believe it, Ive increased my protein intake and water intake and still these plateaus...Oh well, they will come and they will go, but I WILL GET TO GOAL!! I went to my "skinny mini" cousins house (she knows I had surgery) and she wanted to be nice and give me "transitional" clothes before I get to my goal weight..Ok shes 23 and 5'01 and weighs 99 pounds...So shes a 0 or 1...and those are the size clothes she was giving me as "transitional." I didnt want to be rude and be like, what the *&^% you think Im ever gonna fit in those clothes..I wear a size 24 now, but instead I kept my mouth shut and thanked her for her generosity..She says, I hope that kinda motivates you into losing more weight..I also told her about my lovely plateaus and her reponse was...EAT LESS...I was like, I eat like a &%^#*% bird already...get real, eat less...ha..I have 10 people saying I should eat more (I eat 2 or 3 / 4 oz meals a day -- even though my doctor wants 6 meals) and I should eat less..I was gonna laugh in her face, but I just sat there and shook my head...what was I gonna say to that...Oh well, enough about my silly cousin....WISHING everyone health and happiness and much needed support...Ive got 2 shoulders if anyone needs them to gripe, yell, whatever...GOOD luck to everyone at whatever stage of the journey youre at... :)

Joanna S. 21 years, 3 months ago

Hi...Ok, Im 19 days post op...and down 25lbs..yAy..Ive been "stuck" at this weight for the last week, and no matter what I do it doesnt come off..AGH..Ive already started walking about half a mile (doctor doesnt want me to do too much too soon)..when will the scale move..I know, Im addicted to the scale (yeah its better then food) but its kinda disheartening to step on this darn thing and NOTHING...not even half a pound...AGH...Ok, Ill quit whinning, I know, 25lbs is a lot, and I should be thankful for that... I still cant have Ensure or any other protein drink (they make me gag -- no vomit luckily) so Ive been making sure I get a lot of protein in my foods..Saturday I start my soft foods diet, and only two more weeks before I go to work.. Im kinda looking forward to that, getting out of the house...I also have a "desk" job, but its very stressful and a lot of "chair" maneuvering, so I figure I dont want to go back til my wick is closed...Dont want to risk opening anything that shouldnt be open...Wishing everyone the best... IT IS worth it, even when youre "stuck" :)

Joanna S. 21 years, 3 months ago

Hi Everyone, I am 13 days post op and have lost a total of 24lbs officially. I am still in pain in the "wick" incision site, and slight pain from the drain incision site. Otherwise, I feel ok, kind of tired all the time. But hey, what can I expect...I did have surgery. I will admit, I havent been drinking nearly enough water, to flush my system..Now, after a meal I take my waterbottle and make myself drink the whole thing before I need to stop for the next meal. As my doctor said...make sure you get your water, he isnt too concerned about my protein intake the first month as long as Im taking Vitamins and water. Wishing everyone all the best at whatever stage of the journey youre in!! :)

Anna P. 21 years, 3 months ago

Hi and I hope everything went well today! May God grant you a swift recovery! Take care and keep safe and do everything they tell you to do there! God Bless, Anna

sandi T. 21 years, 3 months ago

may God watch over you!
About Me
Glenview, IL
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2003
Member Since
