Day 42-Post

May 11, 2009

So day 42 today.  Week 6.  Starting this week I am able to add in regular food on a limited basis, including more proteins.  I am really sick of eggs, tuna fish, white flaky fish, salmon and the like.  I tried some sliced deli turkey last night, seemed to go okay.  I have recently been feeling physical hunger at times, nothing unmanageable, but I find that somewhat distressing.  I have caught myself starting to graze or eat more regularly between meals, we are talking small amounts here, but that's the case.   I had some vomiting and nausea this week when eating pasta, perogies, etc.  I'm just so sick of the same foods, I had to try something different.  It is crucial that I need eat between meals and that I space them out.  I have started reading some OA books.  I think long term I am going to need to something more to assist me, especially further on down the road.  Some relatives and friends who have had the surgery have become small grazers, essentially still fueling the addiction to food, though in smaller portions.  Their weight loss has slowed down considerably or stopped or in some cases, after a couple of years gone up a bit.  

Last week I lost about two pounds.   I know that weight loss will have fits and starts, but this was discouraging.  I did not have the surgery so that I could lose two pounds a week (at least at this stage).  My total weight loss is 45 pounds.  Weighing has become another thing that defines me, that sets up my day and moods.  I need to focus on right behaviors and less on what the scale says.  I need abstinence between meals.  I have to get this right.  

I have walked a couple of times, but need more regular exercise.  I will join the YMCA today.  Then I will have no excuse in bad whether.   


May 01, 2009

So its been a little over one month since my surgery.  I was back at work within a week and a half.  A little tired but generally okay.  Today Im able to eat more foods, soft vegetables, fish, canned fruit, beans, pasta (which I have not tried).    Over all its going well, no complications.  I had a couple of episodes of eating too much or too fast, which caused nausea and vomiting, on two occassions.  Usually not hungry physically, but starting to get that a physical feeling of hunger at times, within the past few days.   At recent check up my vitamin levels were excellent, I will continue with my regimin of three to four flinstones, B Complex, Sublingual B-12 and Calcium.  The hardest parts for me lately:  1.  Eating three meals a day at regular intervals.  2.  No caffeine 3.  No alcohol.   My doctor advised me to wait until at least three months before trying alcohol.   4.  Dining out:  Its difficult to go out with friends and eat nothing, or next to nothing, probably would be fine if I was not trying to hide weight loss surgery from co-workers.  5.  Following the drinking rules, i.e. no drinks one half hour before or one hour after a meal.  This is pretty much impossible to do all the time, though Im trying for most of the times.  I have lost 40LBS in one month.  My doctor says it is normal and the amount of weight loss goes by the percentage of weight loss not the pounds.  The weight loss has slowed down a lot, which can be discouraging at times.  Im trying not to weigh my self everyday and want to shoot for once a week.  So far so good. 

5 Days Post Op.

Apr 03, 2009

I am 33 year old male recently had the RNY surgery on 3/30/09.  I guess what I am feeling right now is concern and possibly regret.  I am not sure that this was the wisest the move.  The pain for the surgery was much worse than I expected.  Following surgery I have struggled to consume the adequate amounts of fluids, partly because of the size of the pouch and also because every time I consume something I start belching.   Its been kinda scary and difficult.  I am scared to drink too much or drink too little.  My surgeon was pretty clear drinking too much could rupture my pouch and be catastrophic.  I am able to drink more each day though.  I had about 4 ounces of a shake today.   A lot of the liquids seems to go right through me.  I am not hungry really, and I'm also afraid I will die if I eat anything or drink too much.   

My stay in the hospital, three days, was horrific.  The staff was overworked and short staffed.  I practically had to beg for pain medication and track my other medications myself.  Just out of surgery a nurse was requiring me to drink 4 ounces of fluid an hour, I couldn't even keep my eyes open.  Later my surgeon discovered this and was furious.  Apparently drinking this amount of fluid, with the pouch size he gave me, could lead to rupture.  I spent the next day and half trying to drink 3 oz an hour.  On the third day he would not let me leave the hospital because I was not drinking enough.  I basically had to bargain my way out of there.  It was a truly crazy place, loud, nothing conducive to healing.  I have been home two days and doing better each day.  I am concerned about the belching and diarrhea.  On two occassions I have found I was running a low grade fever, below 101, for a short time.  

I will update more latter. 


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Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2008
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