10lbs in 5 days!

Sep 25, 2012

The title of this blog is self explanatory, me and the fiancee weighed ourselves this morning just for the heck of it, and BOTH of us are down 10lbs in just 5 days!!! I am beyond belief right now, what's funny is I saw the scale, and I thought to myself this scale is WAYYYY too small, I will never fit. Sure enough, I got on...I fit and I didn't even feel like I was going to tip over lol. This has made me feel like all the pain was worth it. Being my first surgery it was painful to me, hard to breathe because my ribs hurt. Now the pain is subsiding and we actually took our son today and walked out at the park and it felt great! I didn't even feel weighed down at all. Such an amazing start, I'm definitely loving it yayyyy buddy!

Our new journey

Sep 23, 2012

Well we came home from the hospital yesterday (9/22/12), it was kinda rough, body just ached like crazy. Today seems to be a bit better though, up and moving around a bit more. John made me take a shower, not going to lie I was so nervous to, I think the fact of having to look at my body was what was sinking in. I'm all bruised from the IVs and shots they gave me, I look like a train wreck. Surgery went excellent for both of us from what our surgeon told us, I remember being rolled back to the operating room, they put the oxygen mask on me, started breathing, the anesthesiologist told me she was going to start putting stuff in my IV to relax me and that's the last I remember, next I woke up in recovery. John followed shortly after, he was fighting the nurses though, he didn't care too much for the oxygen and he was very sore, which I tried to warn them that's how he was, hence what he did with his gallbladder surgery. Crazy enough I feel like I already lost some weight, we have to call tomorrow to make our 2 week post-op appointment. I will update some more later. Starting to get sore sitting here, I seem to do better when I lay flat. But to all who had surgery around the same time we did I hope all is going well. Take care!

tomorrow is the BIG day!

Sep 19, 2012

Well in 9 hours I will be registering in the hospital and headed up the surgery floor. Nerves are kicking in. I will update as soon as I can. Good luck to anyone who is having surgery as well today.

Pre-op Testing/Registration

Sep 10, 2012

Hey everyone! Well me and the fiancee had our pre-op testing as well as pre-op registration today 9/10/12, which was 2 appointments and over 6 hours long. Crazy, I know lol. But got our times we needed to be there by for our surgeries, signed papers and talked about effects of anesthesia and what not. Surgery is next week for us both! I go in at 7:30am and my fiancee follows at 10am. Can't believe it's finally happening, a new us! WOW!


Aug 05, 2012

Hi everyone! So alot has happened since last update. I have a weigh in August 28th, trying to get myself to the gym but currentl in physical therapy for my back, something pinches everytime I walk or bend, even twist! Just wish my back would get better since I'm eager to get back into the swing of things. Surgery is next month! SO excited, but at the same time I'm so nervous, it will be my first surgery and I don't know what to expect but I know at least I will have my best friend/fiancee at my side since we will be having surgery within hours of eachother. My birthday is coming up August 15th as well as the hubby's his is August 30th so alot going on. I will update after next weigh in



Jun 30, 2012

This has been so far my hardest moment maintaining my 10% weight loss. I haven't hardly gone to the gym at all since we have had non stop appointments and well my eating choices have been blah. I know it's my fault why I have gained weight back but I wish it was easier. Although my fiance has done the same as me and lost 2lbs! ugh so frustrating lol. Back to the gym monday, possibly even tomorrow. Gotta get focused. When I was going to the gym, I had more energy and I was happier. September will be here soon thankfully. Got a weigh in July 18th. So praying I can pull this off in the little amount of time that we have.

Officially have my surgery date!

Jun 15, 2012

yayyyy I just got my mail and to my surprise I found a letter from my insurance and the hospital. Opened up the insurance letter first, and...it was my APPROVAL letter! Then I opened up the second letter, which was from the hospital, it stated my surgery was set for September 20th at 7:30am and I had my pre-op testing and physical September 10th. WOW! Did reality just sink in, or what?! I'm crazy nervous, but very much excited to start my new healthy life, with my amazing fiance who will be having surgery the SAME day as me a couple hours after myself.

and so it begins..

Jun 05, 2012

Well lets see I have alot to update on...Went for a weigh in with the fiance on 5/30/12 and I only lost another 1.5 pounds so a total loss of 12 pounds. We got a call today from the bariatric clinic we have our surgery date, 9/20/12!! SO exciting now just nervous as can be lol. I also got a call today from the sleep study place, I DO have sleep apnea and I go for another sleep study 6/11/12 this time with the CPAP machine. I will update more later

dear scale, i hate you!

May 23, 2012

So I have been working my tail off at the gym and watching what I eat, trying to stay within my 1200 calorie limit. Well every scale I go on says something different. One will say I lost weight, where the one at the gym says I gained or stays at the same number! It's so frustrating!! I have weigh in on May 30th and I'm praying I have lost weight and the scales are just wacko. I work so hard but nothing is coming off according to the scale?! Yet my clothes feel different. I don't get it I know everyone plateaus but COME ON! lol 

one down...

May 16, 2012

So I went today 5/16/12 to get the results of my psych result. Well...I passed! She approves me for surgery! So next step, sleep study on the 22nd. Then next weigh in the 30th. I'll update ya more when I find out more

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 29, 2012
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