On my way!!!

Sep 16, 2009

  My PCP at Kaiser Permanente NW put in the referral for me for WLS on 8/10/09 (took a few months to get in to see her about this, but worth it.  She's a great doctor!).  I received the 18 page questionnaire to fill out about 1.5 weeks later; sent that back in about 3 weeks ago; was starting to worry maybe they didn't get it but trying to be patient... and today I got a letter with a date & time for their Intro meeting!   So I go to that on 10/5... Yay!

I know there's a lot more steps coming, but I'm really excited to have some movement! 

How I got here...

Sep 14, 2009

At 277lbs, my highest was 288 - I think.  But I didn't step on the scale for quite awhile after that.  Weight has been a battle for most of my life. 

There are lots of great excuses for my weight, but when it comes down too it - what's going in my mouth is too much to be burned off by what energy I'm putting out.  The heavier I get, the more my body fights putting out that energy.  After trying so many diets and exercise plans, I am just not sure what else to do at this point.  Hearing about WLS over the last few years.. the thoughts kind of tickled my brain.  But I was convinced if I tried this one last "plan" my weight would come off.  And part of it did!  But then it'd come back, and back, and back.  I took a class thru my insurance once called Freedom from Fat (I think they call it Freedom from Diets now) - that was in the late '90's - and almost 100lbs ago.   But books are not something I can throw away - so I pulled it out again.  Going thru it again, I've noticed I am not losing any weight, BUT I'm actually not gaining any weight either.  And that is a huge relief. 

So now being devoted to non-fat milk, diet soda's, and reducing my yummy mocha's to a few a week rather than a few a day, I decided to research WLS over the last 8 mos or so.  Internet is a wealth of information - but I've learned to be selective in the resources I trust.  There are a few hospitals in my area that do WLS's and I have been to their meetings now.  My insurance company is Kaiser Permanente and it has it's own hospital with a WLS program.  I know of at least two people who have been through it.  Heard it's a lengthy process to get approved for surgery, but I'm trying to be patient.  Lots of rules to follow.   Personalities as they are - it's not like me to just sit and weight for rescue.  So I am trying to start following some of the rules now.

Decision made.  I AM going to have WLS.  Now which one?  I decided on lap-band.  Less invasive.  But then after attending a meeting for the program at our local hospital, it truly hit me how much weight I have to lose.  So more research.  Lap-band vs. RNY bypass.  I think RNY is the way to go for me.  I've heard over & over from the doctors since I began looking into this that the surgery is just a toolPotential complications are scarey, but they outweigh the complications for my body if I do nothing. 

And lastly - but most importlantly (aside from getting a great surgeon!)... my support group.  My husband, Mom, sibs, in-laws -  they are all supporting me in this great adventure.   And it just wouldn't be the same without their support.  Heard it could be a year from the time I initiated the WLS process with my insurance to the time I actually get to setup a surgery date.  THAT was a BUMMER.  But, that said, this started 8/10/2009 when my doctor made my referral.  Now it's 9/2009.  I have to have a date to look forward to, so in 9 more months?  I might be online here excited to have a surgery date!!! 

So step by step & day by day (of running to the mailbox for a letter from my insurance company = more exercise!), here I go! 

About Me
Salem, OR
Surgery Date
Aug 03, 2009
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