britsa4 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel, You have every right to shop wherever you want, and that employee needs to be severely reprimanded (if not fired) for the manner in which she treated you. I had a similar situation at the grocery store. A cashier looked at my purchases on the belt and said, "SOMEone has a sweet-tooth." I replied, "They're not for me." She rolled her eyes, looked away, and muttered, "Yeah, right." It took me 3 days to compose myself enough to return and file a formal complaint against her with the manager. Needless to say, she's not working there anymore. She had acted this same way to others, too. You deserve better, and the "-itch" you unfortunately met up deserves to have her behavior reported. Go back there & demand to speak to the manager. You'll feel better that you stood up to yourself. God Bless!

Kimberly V. 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel, I also have a 10 year old daughter and understand the heartache of what happened to the two of you. HUGS! Kim

Cheryl J. 21 years, 11 months ago

God bless you on your journey toward a new life. I will keep you in my prayers. Because of Jesus, BamaCheryl

LORRAINE K. 21 years, 11 months ago

Dear Angel~~~~~Your post about the porta potty had me roaring out loud. Certainly laughing with you, my dear. There are times in life when you cannot do anything BUT laugh---believe me, your sense of humor and choice to use it will get you through some of the tough times to come. I wish you the very best--Be well, be happy, be blessed.

Angela H. 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel, I hate you have to wait so long. I saw your post and thought you had put up the wrong date with the 02 thing. You and I must have jumped out of the same boat girl. I am always doing silly stuff like that! LOL. Take care. Maybe they will move it up for ya'. I will pray for that to happen!

RODEO CLOWNS S. 21 years, 11 months ago

Angel, Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I know it is a long wait, but the WAIT is worth the loss of WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take this opportunity to START!!!!! START WATER, START WALKING, START EXERCISE, START PROTEINS!!!!!!!!! You will make your experience so much more pleasant and your recovery easier. I sent you a special msg and I hope it went thru. GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND GET READY FOR THE MIRACLE OF WLS TO BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kylakae 22 years ago

Angel, No, I don't think you're being selfish but I do think you deserve this chance to improve your health. I'm sure your family is just worried about you and is taking it out on you in the form of a guilt trip. The truth is, after this surgery you'll be better able to take care of everyone with your increased energy. It's okay to think of yourself first sometimes.

sssuzie1 22 years ago

Angel, Hang in there, a similar thing happened to me before my surgery. I was originally scheduled for May 9th, but in early March, my surgeon's office called - they had moved my surgery date up to March 28th! I was THRILLED...however, my parents were not - my mother drilled me for hours asking me why I wanted to do this, did I think this would solve all my problems, etc. etc. I was devastated...she had been behind me from the start. But you know what? She and I sat down just before my surgery, and had a heart-to-heart talk - she had been terrified knowing that I would be having the surgery sooner than she thought and was just plain scared for me. Once I understood that, it made it easier on me, and she seemed to relax a bit. I hope your family will be behind you, but as long as your DH is supporting you in this, I think that's all you really need. Good luck Angel, Lisa

Carmen K. 22 years ago

Dear Angel, Just like Ruth I read your post and want to give you support! Your health and operation is just as important as anyone else. What makes your life less valuable? Nothing! Cheer up and don't let anyone, even family, sabotage you on your road to good health. Your kids need a healthy mom and your mother would have one less worry during her illness if your health is out of danger. This surgery is a decision only you can make. Hopefully your family will support you. If they are unable to do so at this time be sure to make it clear their permission isn't required. If anyone harps on you, let it run in one ear and out the other. They are only expressing their own fears, lack of knowledge, and confusion. We have done a great amount of research on WLS while the rest of the world remains uninformed so their confusion is natural.

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 22 years ago

I hope I don't sound too preachy here, but I read your message on the message boards and I just had to respond. Your family claims you're being response to them would be - YES you ARE being selfish. Selfish with the desire to live long enough to see your children grown. Selfish enough to want to have a healthy happy active marraige (and sex-life). Selfish enough to not become (or remain, as the case may be) a physical burden on your family. Selfish enough to want to LIVE!!! I mean, come on, if you were diabetic (and it looks like you're heading that way) would it be selfish to inject insulin? If you broke your back, would it be selfish to have surgery on it? If you needed a triple bi-pass would that be selfish? Is this not equally as important as heart surgery? Sure it's not as immediate in its urgency, but it's just as crucial to your living. Stick to your guns and do what's right for you. Even if that means not having the surgery because YOU choose not to. It's your life in the end. Don't let them decide what's right for you. Best of luck!!!
About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2002
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dont I look impressed?
still another 24pounds to go..

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