What a day!

Dec 15, 2009

So today was one of them days where it just seems like the whole world is crashing down on me. It really started last night with me and my husband. Sometimes I just feel so isolated and alone on this transformation journey. We got into a really bad fight about everything.  And then today, I get an email from my nephew that said I may not be invited to his wedding because of all the stuff that is going on within our immediate family and it seems that my name is the one most spoken negatively of.  It really hurt me because I just don't understand what's going on. I love my family very much but it seems that I can never ever do anything or say anything right. 

I am trying so hard to stay focused on what I need to do for my up-coming WLS.  I am just feeling so stressed right now. I have been crying all day wondering why do I have to go through the things that I do, especially within my own family.  Then I got afraid that I am also losing my friend...food.  The one sure thing I can go to for comfort.  But I can't go there now.  I have to prepare for my new lifestyle. I have to try to find another form of comfort.

Right now, tonight, all I can do is pray and give it over to the Lord and rest in Him. Tomorrow will be a brand new day and my last day of solid foods.  Hmmm, what shall I eat?  lol.  Something really good that I won't be able to eat for a long time or probably never after I have the WLS.  


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Nov 04, 2009
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