First Post op Appointment

Feb 12, 2008

So yesterday was my first post op appt with the surgeon. We drove over 2 and a half hours in the snow but we made it for my 5 minute appointment! I weighed in at 255# YAY and he said i can advance to my full liquid diet...wooohooo something other then ice pops and  chicken broth!!!! He looked at my tummy and said "looks like we bruised you a bit" LOL that's an understatement. So I found out exactly why my surgery took so long...

I asked Dr H "so i hear that my surgery took a little longer then usualy but i don't understand why?"

Dr H said " well that is because we got everything put together and while doing our second look i just didnt like the look of the intestine to the new pouch, then we found out it had twisted, so we had to undo everything at the pouch conection and then i decided to hand sew everything because it is a better, stronger connection."

I tell you i am so happy he is my surgeon, and that he caught that then and not yesterday on my first visit.

So last night i had a touch of mashed potates with cream of mushroom soup (strained and to thin out the potatoes) and boy did that taste like a filet mingon!!!!!!!! Sat pretty well, so we will see what today brings. 

Just took my first chewable flinstone vitamin and calcium chew with a sip of water and so far just gassy.......

Well better go plan my day, it snowed pretty bad last night so no walking outside for me today, might try to hop on the gazelle....

Talk to you all later. 

water water water...sip sip sip

Feb 09, 2008

BOY i will tell you ...even though i thought i was doing good getting all of my fluids in! Your body thinks otherwise!!!!!!!! I have to CONSTANTLY be sipping on that water bottle to make sure i get enough water in, thought i was going to have to go to the er yesterday morning....nights are worst because your sleeping not really i woke up feeling light headed dizzy, just not right, went potty and looked just like apple juice!!!! When before i went to sleep it was clear, so everytime i awa]oke last night (about 5 or 6 times) i took drinks from my water bottle and felt better this morning. So beware ALWAYS sip that water, it is the new fashion accesory for the WLS woman. Ha maybe i should design a stylish bag for water bottles LOL

1 week post op

Feb 08, 2008

So all in all after the first i would say 4 days i have felt pretty good. I walk and TRY to drink all my clear liquids. I learned the other day that supper cold water HURTS! when you drink it so i have to wait until the chill comes off. The worst thing post op is that I was diaganosed with pneumonia 1 day after released home, and liquid antibiotics are NASTY and don't sit well. Yesterday was the longest time i walked....40 minutes.

I have been so blessed because my hubby has been SOOOO supportive and loving and just trying so hard to let me know he is here to support me in anyway at all.

The hardest thing is my HEAD hunger! Oh i have such a craving and odly enouhg it is not for something sweet like i thought it would be, but a CHEESEBURGER, in particularly a Whopper Jr with cheese no onion hold the bun!!!!

some of my favorited for this phase?

Tropical sugar free Ice Pops
HOT Broth ..chicken
kellogs special k protien water
liquid protien bullet 42g diluted ...too sticky sweet when not diluted
sugar free tang
thats about all i "eat"

Not hungry and i have to FORCE myself and constantly remind myself to drink drink drink.

I think i was starting to get dehydrated so i am pumping it in today...i DO NOT want to go to the hospital!!!!!!

I have been able to take a nice hot bath everyday and shower, i have BM every other day (it doesn't hurt but it is smelly and black, which i wasnt expecting), i use Benifiber 1 Tsp daily, and it really has no taste and disolves is a little pricey though. 

1st post op appt is next week on Tuesday so i will update after then.

I hope this finds you all well and happy and that your journey is going smoothly....

OH the gas pain!!!

Feb 04, 2008

So here iam home 5 days after surgery....

Day of surery, friday 2/1/08, not nervous or worried....staff in or was great from what i remember. I recall waking to the unbelievable left shoulder pain WOW did that hurt, and i had iregular heart beats, the chest pain i was told is gas, and the heart beats went back to normal. I was groggy, later iawoke to the sound of the most wonderful voices in the world, my family.....i guess i was in the room i was to stay in until i was ok to go home. I found out that surgery was over an hour longer then usual because the stapler malfunctioned and they had to hand sew everything. I am so Blessed that God gave me a sugeon that knew what to do.

Sat 2/2/08, nausea...GAS PAIN oh the gas pain....i made sure to more around as much as i could, i even showered that felt good except bathrooms were not built for big girls! Make sure when you have surgery to have them keep those very uncomfortable booties on, not comfortable but needed......and ask them to teach you about the insentive spiromiter. Morphine sucks and made me feel so dizzy, i asked to stop that. We went to a liquid percocet, better. Barium swallow wasnt so bad, all went well there. Slept alot.

Sunday 2/3/08 Still the gas pain, better, but still painful...........home sweet home..........the car ride was over 3 hours of tourture, tried to sleep when i could. Found out the couch is my best bed is so evil, it looks so soft and comfy............and betrays you because it is too soft and pulls at my tummy. Which by the way is all bruised and bumpy.....cuts were much higher then i thought they would be (2 right under the boobies), and one righti n the middle)..finlly farted YES!!! gas is moving!! Heat pack helps. I love the sugar free pops and the ornage protien bullet is tolorable.........SIP SIP SIP......make sure you stay hydrated, and walk ...all i can do is a lap or 2 around the house but it is better then nothing...i look like a hunch back...........trying to hold my tummy pulling hurts. I love the bathtub with the hot water and jets!!!!! Keep deep breathing at home...

Monday 2/4/08 same ol same ol...little better today, just back pain, gas is moving, bruises are getting bigger......more moving around the house, and TRYING to stay hydrated, something i really have to think hard about because all you can do is sip, it really is like sipping all day long.

Tuesday 2/5/08..........slept decent last night, still on couch but not too bad, a little tired and think i am gonna sit in the tub now.........did have a BM it was black! Just a little but better out then in.........worried cause cant take a deep breath in and hear crackles...called PCM nurse and see what we can do........maybe X Ray to m ake sure no Pneumonia......walk and deep breath, and get in water.............

thank you all for you support and to the tub now.....

My thoughts on the day before surgery

Jan 31, 2008

No i am not excited. I was so worried, and was having a lot of doubt however a good friend of my prayed with me and i feel so much better. I know this is in God's plan for me and He will take care of me. I have Faith that Gods word it i am at peace.

I think one of the most important things when undergoing ANY surgery but especially one that is "elective" it is imparitive to have a GREAT support system. Not only do I have that in God, but my family, my friends, and my OH friends. 

So with that being said, this morning was full of worry and doubt and after Prayer is full of comfort and peace........

I will update when i get back home


Jan 29, 2008

So i guess it is true what everyone says.....taking the slimfast really truly does get better.......about 2 days ago is when i really noticed it...yes i am hungry! But i just dont have the desire to eat....i have to CHOCK down the slimfast high protien shakes, but all in all i am able to deal with the hunger pains better. Thank you for those encouraging me along the way, especially Sheryl. You are all the best!

Not for honesty pie, there were two time swhen i broke down and had a nibble of food....the first was about 5 days ago, it was 1/2 cup of homemade chicken and veggie soup (that confirmed that I am a VERY emotional eater because I had alot going on that day), and the last was yesterday i had 1/2 cup of spaghetti (mostly meat sauce), because it is that time of month. I did feel guilty, but cinsidering i usually eat a whopper with cheese no onion meal and a chocolate pie, when its that time, it isnt so bad in comparison. WRONG, but not as wrong as it could have been.

So 3 more days.....Friday is the big day. Where did the time go? 

So i am all packed and i am taking...a robe, slippers with rubber sole, toilettries, a book, feminine hygine products (heprin may cause you to bleed), and a squeeze bottle. Thats it.......

any other ideas?

PS the book BEFORE AND AFTER is a GREAT book, and can be found at

oh and there is a website out there that took my money, stating they will give you 30 samples for just the shipping and handleing it is ............i have yet to see these samples and it has been 2 weeks

harder then i thought

Jan 22, 2008

Ok so after only 2 days i am so tired of chocolate high protein slimfast!!!! It is so very hard not to eat...i really feel like a true addictict and I feel like i am quiting smoking or something cold turkey, i am not a smoker nor have i ever been but this is what i guess it feels like. So in order to have a vaiety of taste i bought the flavors like orange, strawberry, pineapple, bannana, coconut....etc...out of the i made

chocolate strawberry
orange creamsicle
pina colada
chocolate bannana

i am sure i will try a few more combos......i will let you know what else i thing up to try to give variety!!!!

Oh and so far since Friday the 18th i have 2 pounds....all water weight i am sure....but weight none the less LOL

PS the constipation sucks!!!! Who knew little bunny rabbit terds would hurt soooooooooooo much and take so much work. I even tried benifiber (which does disolve completly and is tasteless) and prune juice.....time will tell LOL

the awful, painful, dreaded truth...the numbers

Jan 20, 2008

OK deep breath in and just get going........maybe if it is fast it wont hurt so bad...ok here we go

weight right now 285.5
bmi 49
clothes size 24-26
bust 54.5 inches
waist 51 inches
hips 55 inches
arm 16.75 inches
thigh 32.5 inches (which is an inch and a half bigger then my 14y/o waist!!) OUCH

OUCH there you have it!! the painful truth

Preop appt

Jan 18, 2008

Ok so yesterday I had my preop appointment at the hospital i will be having my lap RNY. We arrived at 8am and i was taken back to an exam room within 5 minutes. My nurse and I went though the regular stuff health history ...meds...allergies....blah blah i went in thinking that i will have to go to all the departments that had to be covered that day but that was not the case! I was in one room almost the entire time! I met with the anastesiologist(spelling?), the dietician, I had my ekg done, and my labs (let me tell you the nurse was sweet enough but not the brightest berry in the bush...she didnt know how to turn on the bp machine and was intimidated by taking an oral tempurature...not to mention after she stuck me twice, not really a big deal, anyway, she stuck me a second time got a flash and started filling the first of oh 5 tubes, well she stopped filling that one pulled it off and looked and said oh thats not enough and tried to put it back on, now you would that ok no big deal, but as a nurse i know that once you take a tube off it looses suction! I would think a nurse of 28 years would know that, so anyways she tries to go to the next tube and poof, nothing, she says "humm iwonder what happened here?" now mind you the turniqit is still on my arm as tight as can be and i am loosing feeling in my hand......but she readjusts the needle and theres more blood, enough for the second tube, so the same thing happends with the i was all about just letting her make her mistakes but my hubby spwaks up and says ma'am the turniqit is still around her arm...she says OH and leaves it there!!!!!!! So this is how it went through all 5 tubes, plus an extra for the first one she was never able to fill up LOL. So after all that, I went to x ray for my chest x ray and then i was done! So all in all not a bad experiance! Oh another thing i was not expecting and for me its not really a big deal, but my insurance (tricare) does not cover the dietician (who pretty much just read to me what i had already read like 10 times from Dr H white info binder), that is almost $40 out of pocket. So for those who have tricare plan accordingly.

So tomorrow I start my all liquid oh so yummy slimfast high protein and I am so very excited.....

A tip here for those just getting started....if you have dr h and have to do the 2 week slimfast diet....he has $1 off cupons in his office, and if you by the powder which is around $6 a can, but has 14 servings, as apposed to the nearly $6 for the 4 ready made....just a thought if you are on a budget like me.

Kellogs Special K protein water powder mix is good too, tastes like crystal light. I like all 3 flavors ice tea, lemonade, and strawberry has 5g of protein for 20 oz of water, and costs around $4 for a 6 pk.

I went online last night and bought a variety of protein samples...when i get them i will leave my review!


Jan 15, 2008

So i am honestly worried about starting the all slimfast diet in just 2 days. I do hope i can resist temptation and really stick to the diet like i am supposed to. I know it is going to be VERY hard, and I really want to do the right thing! I pray for the strength to do the right thing. I want to do whatever I can to stck the cards in my favor. Well I just had to vent my worries....

About Me
Aug 13, 2007
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Friends 4

Latest Blog 50
wow its been a while again
182 (down 115 pounds and 12 pant sizes) and a size 13/14
Finally Under 200!
WOW its been a while
if i had to do it all over again?!
Am i supposed to be able to eat this much?!
im 18 baby LOL
Are you serious?!
