Very happy!

Aug 13, 2014

I tried on my old jeans.....the ones I haven't been able to fit into for three years.....and they fit! I am soooooo happy! And then I saw they have a patch on the leg. Now I remember!....I have a tear that I patched and covered up. I guess they will be my bumming around the house pants. I know my newest jeans are not going to stay up at all, since they were big at 405! :o) Guess I need to go to the thrift store and search for some new jeans!

It was really hard at the start of my diet (life style change), but once it got to be a habit, it is second nature. I have even found that I'm not feeling hungry most of the time. WEIRD!!!! The surgery can only add to this ease! 


Had my first meeting with the NUT this week....

Aug 09, 2014

And got my Ultrasound on my heart done. I was supposed to go see the cardio doc on Monday, but am running short on cash for gas, so I postponed it for two weeks. After chatting with the NUT, he is putting me on Invokana and lowering my insulin. No one ever told me that going on insulin will make you gain weight! I guess I've been doing something right though, since I've now lost 30 lbs. This was on a 1800 calorie diet and now he wants me to be between 1000 and 1500 cals. It is hard to do, but I'm hoping the pounds will come off faster now! AND I was right on target with my goal weight, between 200 and 225 lbs. I just want to move freely and be able to shop in the "normal" size area of the stores.

My psych is definitely coming around.....we were talking about when the date should be for the surgery. March is the target (at least in her book) so now I have a date to look forward to.

I am so happy I am on this path right now!  


Feeling better!

Jul 30, 2014

My psych is coming around! Yay! Today she said that she feels closer to approving my surgery. I think I am becoming more comfortable with her, so it is making it easier to communicate my feelings.

My next big day is Tuesday with an appt. with the NUT and a class on nutrition and then I set up my ultrasound on my heart for the same day, to save on gas. :o) And then another appointment with my psych on Wednesday and then dental work in town on Thursday. Busy, busy, busy! :o) My insurance is going to be sorry they got me as a client! LOL


Getting scared!

Jul 18, 2014

I have had two meetings with my psych so far, and today she told me she is not sure about recommending me for WLS. WTF????  I am soooo ready! I think she thinks this is another rushed decision (like my marriage) and I need to stew it over for a while. Hopefully, she will change her mind after a few more visits. 


So far, so good....

Jul 16, 2014

UGI, done! Part of my psych, done! Part of my cardio, done! Got my CPAP machine, too! It all seems to be happening so fast. Going to finish my psych on Friday and have an appt. with a podiatrist on the 22nd. Hopefully he will operate on my heels before my WLS, so I can walk a bit before. 


In a good place......

Jul 09, 2014

Had my UGI yesterday......that was fun! Personally, I kinda liked the taste of the stuff they had you drink, no different than some of the protein shakes! Got my teeth nice and clean today. Also found out that I've now lost 30 lbs. in 6 months! Yeah!! Got my psych appt. on Friday, a cardio appt. on the 16th, podiatrist appt. on the 22nd, and an appt. with the NUT on Aug. 5th! I'm still waiting for the hospital to get me my CPAP supplies! I think I need to call them.

1 comment


Jun 29, 2014

My UGI is on the 8th and my psych is on the 11th. I understood that I wasn't going to see the psych until I met with the NUT at least once, but there it is. I guess the person who does the appt. scheduling was out last week, so I probably will hear from them Monday or Tuesday with an appt. or two. I can see I'm going to be spending at least 100.00 for gas for these appts. this month. I did get my second sleep apnea study done, so now they can give me a machine. I can imagine my dog's reaction.....I'm outta here, you can sleep alone! LOL

I decided I needed a change the other day, so I layered my hair. Took off a lot of the weight, but left my length. After all, this has all grown out in two years, starting at only 1/2" long, and I want to keep it, at least until I get down in weight and can decide what looks good on me.


It's is the first day of the rest of my life.

Jun 19, 2014

Had my first appointment with my surgeon Dr. Verseman at Borgess Hospital today. I am so psyched! I will forever be considering this the first day of the rest of my life. :o)


My head is spinning :-)

Jun 17, 2014

WOW......two weeks went by fast. Had my hearing for SSDI, the judge suggested I try another lawyer and see if I should push forward with my case and gave me a recess for 60 days. I think I'm going to just drop it. Finally got an appointment with my PCP to get the referral filled out. After another delay from UHC about my sleep study, and yet another one, I will start with Priority Healthcare on July 1st. Got my appt. with the surgeon on Thursday at 9:00 am. That means a two hour drive starting at 7:00 and getting up at 5:45. This is going to be hard since I'm used to getting up at 10:30 am!

I am so proud of myself....I have lost 24 pounds now, since I really started looking into getting the surgery. And bonus!!!.....since my cooking has changed for me, and my mother eats my cooking, she has lost some weight also. In a good place, in a good place!  :o)


Moving forward, slowly but surely! :-)

Jun 06, 2014

Went to the info meeting at Bronson in Kazoo on Monday. It opened my eyes to the verticle sleeve. The surgeon said that most people who have had it, said they don't feel hunger after......that's for me! Also, since they don't rearange your bowels, less malnutrition.  :o)

Then I went for my sleep apnea study on Tuesday. Got that too! Got to go in this Tuesday overnight to get the CPAP fitted and get the right adjustment for me.

Then I have a hearing for my SSID case on Thursday. I know I'm not going to get it, and I'm going in there with that attitude. The lawyer I had (temporarly) said that most of my conditions were due to my duh! she didn't feel my case was winable and dropped me. I don't think it is going to bother me much this time though......I am happy on this path and feel I have taken charge of my life. 

Then on the 19th, I have my first meeting with the surgeon.....boy, that was fast! I did talk to the financial coordinator at the info meeting and what she said was a real eyeopener. The insurance company I chose is a pokey one, and they draw out the process for up to a year. I asked if there was a better company and there is, AND...I can still switch! Yay! Just gonna wait until after the sleep study on Tuesday to do so.  :o)


About Me
Jackson, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2014
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