Broke it!

May 29, 2014

Boy, do I need to get this surgery done. I just broke a chair!....well at least the caster of the chair. Now I've got to buy some new casters, preferably not plastic ones!



May 25, 2014

I mowed our lawn yesterday using a weed whacker. It didn't take me too long, we have a small yard. But boy are my forearms tired today! It also made it impossible to do anything afterward because it made my essential tremor go into high gear......I could barely hold on to anything without shaking. It is better today, so maybe I can get some sewing done. 


Road blocks everywhere I turn!

May 21, 2014

Well.....Monday started out like c**p. I got a call in the morning telling me they canceled the info meeting at Kazoo....great! Today, I went to the podiatrist and he tells me my heel pain (Haglunds deformity) might get better after I loose some weight. Well, that's okay, but I wanted them taken care of before the surgery so I can walk and exercise without pain. GGggrrr! Tomorrow I get tested for sleep them call and cancel that! I have rescheduled the info meeting for the 2nd of June. Believe me, I'm not holding my breath! The only good thing I have so far this week, is that I've now lost 21 pounds since Feburary.


Busy week next week!

May 16, 2014

On Monday, I will be attending an info meeting in Kalamazoo, Wednesday is my appt with a podiatrist, and Thursday I will be doing a sleep study to see if I have sleep apnea. Tuesday and Friday are far. :o)


Delay, delay, delay.....

May 14, 2014

Because of my lack of direction and getting lost in Ann Arbor, not being able to attend the seminar, I might have to wait until August before I can attend one.   I have thought about going to Battle Creek. Their program doesn't seem to take as long so I would be getting surgery sooner. Only hang up is that they are 60 miles away, instead of 40. Anyone have their surgery done at BC? I guess the delay will give me time to get some other medical tests and procedures done. I'm just really bummed right now. 


Busy, busy, busy....

May 09, 2014

The next two weeks are going to be busy for me. Wednesday I have a dental appt., Thursday is my possible re-meeting at U of M, and Friday is an appt. with the sleep study doc. Then the following Wednesday is an appt. with the podiatrist, also in Ann Arbor. Well, I'm glad I can get some of my medical problems addressed now.  :o)

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Hit a big bump in the road.....

May 07, 2014

I went over for my seminar in Ann Arbor and got absolutely and positively lost. I did get turned in the right direction, and managed to get to the hour late, and the meeting was over. :o(  I did call in to get some help and let them know I was lost, and a lady called me back and said I might be able to get in next  meeting, a week from Thursday. So, after I got to the place and found I was too late, I sat in the car and balled my eyes out. I was counting on my tablet's map program to help me, but all it did was confuse me. Next time, I am printing out the map on paper like olden times, LOL


In search of a crunchy, salty, legal snack recipe.....

Apr 25, 2014

Okay....I need a salty and crunchy snack (but legal!) for nightime, any suggestions? I will do some searching to see what I can find, but I know what creative people ya'all can be!  :o)


I am getting soooooo excited!!!

Apr 18, 2014

OK, I might be crazy, but I am getting excited about going to my seminar. I guess to me, it is a real sign that WLS is a go. First, I go see my PCP on Tuesday and get to talk to her and show her where I am in the process. I have a paper the hospital sent me, to take to her, as a suggestion for a referal/insurance reccomendation letter. I have also compiled my own list of things to discuss with her, so it is going to be a long appointment.  :o) Is this really going to happen?? Someone, please pinch me!!!

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Back on track and hoping for more weightloss

Apr 14, 2014

I am back down to 389 and went to my water aerobics class today. I am glad I'm getting back on track and even got my mother to take a dip in the pool! :o)


About Me
Jackson, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2014
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