Psych Eval

Nov 04, 2003

I went for my psych. Evaluation today. It wasn’t too bad. The doc made me feel pretty comfortable. It was a stereotypical office…including the couch. I chose the chair instead. He asked me why I wanted to have the surgery, what diets I had tried, how long have I been obese, etc. and then gave me a 500 question, fill in the bubble test. How many times do they have to ask you if you’ve ever wanted to kill you mom, your dad, your siblings? Oye. I almost wanted to fudge some of the answers because I was getting sick of them by the third time they asked them but figured I had probably not. Two hours after I got there, I was finally done.

Later, I went out to dinner with my Mom and her best friend Sharon. They are both in the church bell choir and they go out every Wednesday night afterwards for dinner. I finally told Sharon that I was going to have the surgery. She too was quite supportive. She’s seen the whole Carnie Wilson thing and is impressed with how much she’s lost. I envy Sharon. She has been on Weight Watchers for a couple years, lost quite a bit of weight and it still very strict with herself. I wish I had the will power and self control that she does.

Coming Clean

Oct 19, 2003

After mailing the paperwork, I finally broke down and told my Mom that I want to have gastric bypass surgery. What a surprise? She was really cool about it. I thought for sure she’d go off on me about how I need to exercise more and just watch what I eat, but she said “OK, if this is what you think you need to do, then OK. Just make sure you know what you’re getting in to.” I assured her that I did and showed her the copies of the paperwork. She said that she saw a show on Discovery Health and has talked to a couple friends at church who have had the surgery so she knew something about it. I’m feeling a lot better. At least I have one person who supports me. I did ask though that she doesn’t tell anyone. I’ll do it when I’m ready.

The Seminar

Oct 17, 2003

I just returned home from the seminar. Man that was a lot to take in. Dr. Kane, Jr. was there and explained the whole thing. Even had a video to show how they separate the stomach that was pretty cool (I like medical shows…Discovery Health is one of my favorite cable channels). He’s very knowledgeable and I felt comfortable listening (not to mention looking at him ;) ). He’s been doing this surgery for about 10 years and his father has been doing it for over 30. They had people there who have had the surgery. Man I couldn’t believe some of them. You’d never know that they were once obese. I’m sold. We were able to ask a lot of questions, which since I did research before going, I did. I was one of the few who had tons of questions but Dr. Kane, Jr. was very patient and answered them all.

I’m not sure I like the whole malabsorbtion thing, but sounds OK if I can malabsorb fat. Taking vitamins shouldn’t be that difficult. Found out that I have more co-morbidities than I thought. I never thought of acid reflux being a co-morbidity of obesity. I knew sleep apnea and arthritis were, but acid reflux? It makes sense though.

The surgical group uses a group called Weight For Life (WFL) to help get insurance approval. In their practice, they have you go through WFL and get approved by your insurance before you meet with the surgeon. Once you’re approved they send the information to the surgical group and they call you to set up your consultation and then tell you what tests you have to take before they’ll schedule surgery. They handed out the packet of information that WFL needs to write the letter to the insurance company. Man alive they ask a lot of stuff. But then again, it’s probably good that they do.

I haven’t told my Mom that I have been thinking about doing this. I even lied about where I was going this morning. I told her it something to do with work.


The Wake Up Call

Sep 30, 2003

OK, so I’ve left out the boring stuff and jumped almost a year. I’m now 268 lbs. (BMI = 49) and have come to the realization that I can’t do it on my own. After my 11/2002 doctor appointment, I lost 20 lbs to get down to 230, but as usual, I stalled, got frustrated because I was actually exercising even though it hurt like hell and eventually gave up and whalah….gained it all back and then some.

So now I’ve been thinking that my PCP was right. Maybe I should consider gastric bypass. I decided to find out who my friend’s surgeon was. She told me she had Dr. Rantis with Suburban Surgical Care Specialists. So I went on the internet and found that they do have a web site and did some checking. Turns out, they are the only group do perform the surgery at my hospital of choice and they have a seminar coming up. Guess I’ll go and see what’s what.

I Can Do It On My Own

Nov 01, 2002

Went to see my PCP today for a cold and as usual he weighed me. Ouch, 250! That’s the highest I’ve ever been. I used to just hover around 225. How’d I get to 250? After discussing this cold that won’t go away he changed the subject, as he’s so good at doing, to my weight. He asked about what exercises I do…not much because everything hurts my ankle…even swimming…and about my eating habits…I eat out a lot because I’m not that good of a cook and let’s be real, I’m lazy. It’s much easier to let someone else prepare it for me. I know that’s a bad attitude to have but that’s how I feel. Every diet I’ve ever tried, and there have been many, have ended up in my hitting a plateau, getting frustrated and eating my way back to my original weight and then some.

Anyway…He asked me if I’ve considered weight loss surgery. Is he nuts? There’s no way I’d do that. I can do it on my own. He said that Carnie Wilson is having great success after her wls. I know. I’ve seen the pictures, who hasn’t? But that’s not for me. I can do it on my own.

About Me
Northern, IL
Surgery Date
Dec 22, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
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Day of Surgery, 4/27/04
Almost 1 year post-op. Down 112 lbs.

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3.5 Week Post Plastics Update
Happy Valentine's Day
Tomorrow's the Day
I'm All Set
Ouch...That's Expensive
I've Made My Decision
Getting back into the Swing of Things
