Surgery Date

Jul 03, 2007

Well I called and got my surgery date. It was suppose to be the 16th but we had a family emergency and I missed my last appointment that guarentees my date so we had to move it back a week. I go on the 11th of July to take a test and if I pass the test I get the surgery on the 23rd. I am going to see if I can still do the 16th but if not the 23rd is ok too. I am nervouse and excited all at the same time. A week from tomorrow is when I tae the test. Its coming by quickly. Anyways thats the update for now

Its Approved

Jun 15, 2007

I cant freakin believe it. I got insurance approval within 12 hours of submitting it. Now all I have to do is cal monday and schedule the surgery. I am thinking maybe friday of next wee. I am so stoked. I am now a little scared of the pain afterwards. I am sure I can handle it. Afterall I did push out 2 big boys with no pain meds. Anyways cant wait now

Its A Go

Jun 14, 2007

Well I saw the surgeon yesterday and they submitted my insurance stuff for approval today so I should have a good solid date soon. Looks like its going to be pretty soon. I am so excited. I cant wait for the change to happen. I am ready to change my life. On the plus side I have lost from 230 pounds down to 214 pounds. Its the dieticians diet she had me follow so I can get in the habbit of eating the way I should. Anyways thats about it. I'll update you all more.

Good Day

May 15, 2007

Looks like today was a success. Went to my 3rd dieticians meeting and psycologist appointment and explained about WIll going back to Iraq and they both agreed to see me 2 more times then release me for clearence, so looks like I may have a July  surgery date. Woohoo. It's all up to how long the insurance takes to approve me.  

Got My Referral

Mar 06, 2007

I am so happy I received a call yesterday telling me tricare approved my surgery at a civilian hospital. Today I called and set up my appointments. I have a seminar to attend March 29 and the April 9 I meet with the dietician, the pshycologist and internal med doctor. I am sooo Happy. The Nurse said I could have the surgery as soon as June. Woohoo

And the wait begins

Feb 12, 2007

Ok so I have gotten ahold of tricare and they told me because of the wait list at the military hospital that I could submit a refferal request to go to a civilian hospital so I went to my PCM a week ago friday she submitted the request but it didnt get to tricare so now I have to go and get her to resend it. I hope it goes through this time. I so do not want to wait 2 years for this surgery.

On My Journey

Jan 29, 2007

Well I am now on my way to getting my RNY. I have so many steps to go through for the military hospital that I am getting it done at. I will keep y'all posted on how that goes.

About Me
Wahiawa, HI
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2007
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