
Jan 07, 2009

Hi, I am new to blogging so please forgive my mistakes.  I had my surgery over 8 months ago, and I am so happy.  I didn't realize with all that weight, how much it depressed me.  I have become a more confident person.  I think I was hidding behind all my fat.  I still have some issuses with how I view myself, but I also am more willing to speak up for myself.  Before I didn't  think I was worth much.  I can't believe how much difference 60 lbs can make.  I do owe alot of my new found self to my bariatric support group, and my friends at the YMCA.  I hope the next time I write I will be able to say I am finally below 200 lbs.  It is so close I can feel it.


About Me
Stongsville, OH
Jan 07, 2009
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