Dec 27, 2009

My surgery was a success!! yeah me, or should i say merry christmas to me. I was checked in on dec 22nd. and checked out dec. 23rd. It went amazingly smooth. I can say this was pretty comparible to a c-section. i got it done laproscopic and did the drinking from the medicine cups and deep breathing and walking and had no clotting issues and had no distress. I would like to thank all of you PRAYING for me!! Kuddos to all my friends & loved ones because without your support I dont know if I would have followed through with this.

The pre op shake diet was gross there towards the end but I have created ways to spark it up and make them pretty decent now. So ahead of me is the ol full liquid diet-yeah-blah. So far I had gotten back into the routine when another family member(Stashka, my sister-in-law) brought up some other tastier ideas for my lusciously-liquidacious-luncheons. I mean ya have to think what does sound good in a blender?
At first i thought my god im gonna starve! But through desparation and the commitment to overcome my obesity I am willing to change. It is only on the brink of grave desparation that we, as humans, are willing to change. Humans, being a creature of habit, dont want change normally. We get comfortable, and then amazingly enough the world changes or our own lives and them change is inevitable.
So I welcome change!!!!!!!! -
thankyou very much I will be here next week, tip your wait staff!



Dec 17, 2009

I am getting so frustrated with this pre-op shake diet. I choose banana Bariatric Advantage shake. I wish they had a variety pack to do. at least I could be taste testing them all. Today I did spice it up with a healthy shake of cinnamon. It was actually very good.

I can say that after the first week of- blah blah boring and one day of set back  that i have found knew strength. Thats right i said it. I went to work-low and behold they were having "the christmas party" of course fat slathered on carbs... i failed. As Judas betrayed Christ- I betrayed my Diet....I saw the BBQ pulled pork and chicken sandwiches. I did choose chicken, only to excuse the sin. later had teriyaki chicken, and to excuse that sin, only ate half.

I woke up deciding I am choosing to be fully committed for the duration of the pre-op requirement!! I cant beat myself up about it though I am having a side affect. I actually had abdominal cramping last night. I know why I faltered from the plan. The night before i was frustrated and needed some kind of boost. I weighed myself and had lost 7 lbs. The news was great but I did my old habit and sabatoged myself."oh i lost weight , I can eat some reward.."

Holy cow, I am my worst enemy!! Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!



Dec 12, 2009

 I finally got an approval!!!!!! I have Premera-heritage plus one plan for my primary from my job and it denied everything but my secondary_Regence BCBS - Federal Emplyee Program approved it and I got a year approval code. I got two choices of facilities *St. Francis or *Virginia Mason. Woo Hoo, we're going with Virginia Mason!!!!!!!!!! Im so nervous i cant stand it and so excited as well.~B


Nov 01, 2008

Well the past few years have been trying.  My husband wanted to have a baby before my quest for a healthier weight.  I did and soooo many health problems came to surface. After numerous fertility trips, artificial insemination, bleeding through pregnancy, down syndrome possiblities, fetal specialist, gestational diabetis, and oh yeah a cardiac condition called SupraVentricularTachaCardia (SVT) WALAAHHH! Beatiful bouncing baby boy-Braeden James! He will will be 2 in December.

He is a wonderful blessing. I now no longer have Aetna-but did find out they would have covered the bypass I needed. Budget cuts happened and my hubby job was cut in summer of 2006.  However, he was requested by name through civil service and hopefully he can land a permanent position now. Carpentry is a fest or famine type of career. I wonder if they still offer Aetna and if they still cover bypass. I will make this the holy grail of all quests with every inch of my soul if he does get the position and they still offer that insurance.

Fortunately, I had an abalation that fixed the heart issue and the gestational diabetis went away the day after baby arrived! Unfortunately, I have more than a 50% chance of developing type 2 over next couple years or sooner and I now am having knee pain and foot pain and suffer from severe anxiety and depression. Of in which I am taking medication for.  I didnt want all these problems from weight and still want it off.  I dont think it is fair that people should have to jump through hoops to get the preventive care they need. Now the problems I have, makes me feel irratated because I knew these problems could surface and I asked for help and was denied 2 times, from 2 companies.

I am so focused on my health now it isnt even funny! I am done with baby phase, at the top of my pay sclae with my career,  I am just completely ready!

About Me
Bonney Lake, WA
Surgery Date
Mar 14, 2005
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