3 Months

Jul 27, 2009


did you personally experience any stalls, and if so, how did you get over it? both scale-wise and emotional-wise.

i've been very fortunate - i've not had any stalls.  my weight loss has been steady, with some sort of weight loss every week - usually 2 lbs.  i've weighed the same now for a few days, so i may be entering my first stall.  i started out weighing myself every day, then every couple of days and now just once a week (and not even then if i'm on my period).  i've made it into the 170's (178.6 as of yesterday) and i thought i would never see those numbers again.  i almost get scared to get on the scale because i still can't believe my weight loss.  i kind of feel like it's all a dream and the next time i get back on the scale i'll see a bigger number.  but then i get on the scale and it's like a birthday present every time!

as for what will i do when i hit a stall...what i'm doing has worked so far and i have a plan b for when it happens.  i have not followed a strict low carb diet.  i've eaten anything i've wanted (just A LOT less ).  when i do hit a stall, i'll start being more careful about carbs.  my theory is (and this is just my opinion) is to not start off being crazy strict on your diet so that you always have a way to shock your body into losing weight again.  as long as you are losing weight, it's all good.

Share with everyone your diet and how active you are.

i generally eat whatever i want.  it's usually pretty healthy.  i try to limit carbs, but i'm not strict about it.  for breakfast, i have a cappucino and one of those little cups of cottage cheese.  don't really have a lunch routine.  i just eat whatever we have.  for dinner, i usually have some sort of meat (chicken, bbq pork, pork chop, etc) and veggies.  i don't think about it too much.  if i want carbs, i have them.  for example, i had almost one whole slice of papa john's pizza last night and part of those little chocolate pastries they have later on in the night.  the trick for me is to not overthink it.  my stomach will make sure i don't overeat. 

as for how active i am, i wish i could say i exercise every day!  truth is i don't, but i need to.  my husband and i usually walk a couple of miles on Sunday.  i've been working on the house the past few weekends, so i'm definitely getting a workout from that.  the boys go back to school in 2.5 weeks and i think i'll get serious then.

What are some of your NSV's?
1.  I can comfortably cross my legs - either way!  Before, I couldn't cross one leg, and could only cross the other leg if I tightened my leg muscles to hold it in place or hooked my foot behind my husband's leg.  Now I can cross my legs either way.  I told my husband about that and he asked, "Is that why you always put your foot behind my leg? I had no idea why you did that."

2.  I can look in the mirror and not hate what I see.  I used to avoid mirrors at all costs.  When I put on makeup, I used a tiny mirror.  When I dressed, I looked quickly to make sure my underwear wasn't showing or somthing.  Now I can look in the mirror again.

3.  I can shop in the misses dept.  I've gone from a tight 18 to a 12 or 14.  I bought 2 size 12 shorts and couldn't believe they fit!

4.  I sleep better than I ever have.  Not sure if that is due to the VSG, thyroid surgery or my husband's lack of snoring thanks to his VSG, but I can now sleep straight through the night.  I can't tell you the last time I did that.

5.  I don't need a nap in the afternoon.  Not sure if it's #4 or the weight loss, but I'm not fighting the whole day to get back to bed anymore.  I'm not saying I have the energy of a cheerleader or anything, but it's definitely improved.

6.  I recognize my face again.  It's not chubby anymore.  It's like I remember.

7.  I don't feel ashamed when looking at my wedding pictures.  I've got 2 wedding pictures in our bedroom right next to my side of the bed.  I used to look at them and think I look nothing in them like I do now.  Now I see the same person - a little older, but a recognizable version.

8.  I took a picture with the boys and didn't want to immediately burn it.  We went on vacation a few weeks ago and I took a couple of pictures with the boys, against my will as usual.  I never wanted a permanent reminder of how I looked.  When I saw the photo, I was shocked.  I didn't look big!

9.  Within 6 weeks, I no longer had high cholesterol and went off cholesterol medicine.

Some other thoughts for you...
My hair loss started right about 2 months.  I've read it lasts for 3 months.  I have hair a few inches past my shoulders and it's naturally curly.  I'm hoping that will hide the thinning.  I was thinking for those who have fine hair, maybe you should get a perm right around the 1 month mark or so to give you hair a little more body to hide the inevitable balding.

I can pretty much eat anything I want.  The only thing that makes me a little queasy, if you can call it that, is still eggs.  They taste good going down, but then get a sickly sweet feeling in my stomach - like a ate too much candy.  I've learned there are 2 foods that get me into trouble - pasta and hamburgers.  I can't control how fast I eat them because they taste so good and I always end up getting food lodged somewhere between my lungs and stomach.  Then my stomach prompty gets pissy and hurls it right back up.  It's usually a one-retch kind of thing and it's over.  I feel fine afterwards.

My stomach gets upset often.  It can cramp when eating.  I could go back to eating mushie or blander foods, but I kind of like it.  It's my reminder that I don't want to go back to where I was.  It's not bad enough to keep my from eating, but bad enough to keep me from eating too much.

There are times when I miss food.  Sometimes you just want a big ol' burger or just something BIG in general.  I've had 2 episodes where I was really mourning the loss of food.  One was a weekend trip to Chicago.  So much good food to eat and I could eat only a few bites.  It sucked.  The other was last week.  I just had that urge to stuff my face and couldn't.  I know those times are going to come.  It's part of the package.  The good news is they pass.

I would do it all over again without hesitation.  You don't know how things are going to go and it's a big leap of faith, but I am very glad I did this.  I was never going to be healthy without this surgery.  It has been lifechanging.

I'll see if I can get some new pictures posted soon.  Hope you're doing great!



About Me
Brentwood, TN
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2008
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