I have been overweight or obese most of my life (except ages 1-10, and 13-18)- so all of my adult life, save some brief successful diets that didn't stick. I always ate too much and I didn't move enough, mostly- I have lots of excuses but I just didn't take care of myself first. I'm really into looking cute and clothes-but I guess I'd tell myself I deserved to eat what I wanted, and I'd tell myself I was still cute-just chunkier.
I work as a special ed teacher, have three kids, and a messy husband and we have historically not been the most active people, we'd rather go eat and watch a movie than go do something outdoorsy generally. When life would get hard my motivation to exercise or eat right would be the first thing to go.
Now I'm the biggest I've ever been: 275 pounds. My dad and step mom started talking to me about helping me do something. All my parents bribed me- 500$ for 10 pounds- couldn't do it- My sweet husband bought everything I asked him to- treadmills and weights and gym memberships and Zumba cds on and on- didn't work, or maybe just for a little while. I need something permanent to nip this in the bud. My health isn't so great anymore. I feel like crap. I can barely do what I need to do in a day let alone exercise or go have fun. I feel trapped in this body and it's time to turn it around and live the life I was supposed to be living all along.
My surgery is July 27, 2011. I start the pre-op diet tomorrow. I'm ready.

About Me
Jun 30, 2011
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