WOW - over 7 months

Oct 23, 2009

I can't believe it's been 7 months since surgery.  Before surgery I remember trying to imagine how it would feel to be thin and although I wouldn't say that I'm thin yet - I never imagined this feeling at 94 lbs down - it's amazing.  So many things are different!  I was in a wedding two months before surgery and squeeeeezed into a size 26/28 dress.  Two weeks ago I was in another wedding and swam in a size 18.  Dress shopping was actually fun for this wedding.

I can move now and I do . . . I can walk so much faster both while working out and just in general.  I also don't sweat everytime I move.  That is wonderful!  This summer was the most active one I've had in years and I'll be running a 5K at the end of this month.  I'll post how it goes . . .

Oh I also will post 6 month (or 7 as it turns out) pics over the weekend.

Too busy living to write

Aug 01, 2009

I really didn't want to be one of those people who stopped writing after having surgery, but low and behold I became one.  Now, however, I understand why so many people stop writing - they are busy living!  I have been walking, biking, going to the gym, wandering around the mall, playing with my nieces and nephews and doing anything else that I couldn't do before.  I LOVE it!!


Surgery Day

Apr 08, 2009

I'm about four weeks out now and before I forget I want to write about the night before surgery and the day of surgery. . .

I was nervous, but I was busy making sure I had everything ready so I didn't have too much time to think about it.  I took the Magnesium Caltrate at 4PM and it took 4 hours to start working.  I was wondering if it would ever start to work.  The process wasn't as bad as I expected, probably because I'd only had liquids for two weeks!  I put on my relaxation play-list from my ipod and slept very well.

The next morning I had to be at the hospital at 5:15 so I got up early.  My bf was in town (he lives in NJ right now) for the week before, but had to leave the morning of surgery.  So I sadly said good-bye to him and my friend Jeannie took me to the hospital.  There was no waiting once we got there - they just brought me right in.

I changed into a gown and then they weighed me . . . I needed to be 275 and the scale said . . . 265!  Hurrah!  Then I peed in a cup for a pregnancy test and had my vitals taken.  Everything came back okay so they put in the IV, which took awhile and several pokes.  My parents arrived then so they and Jeannie came into the room.  We talked a bit - mostly joking around to easy the anxiety we were feeling.  The anesthesiologist came in and introduced himself.  I tried to joke with him, but he didn't think I was funny.  I asked the nurse anesthetist if he was crabby; she said that's how he always is, but that he is VERY good.  That's all I needed to hear - as long as he's good.  I said good-bye to my family and I was given something in my IV to relax me . . . I don't remember the "drive" to the OR but I do remember moving to the OR table.  I remember looking up and noticing all of the equipment in the room and all of the people.  I couldn't believe how many people were in the room and then I fell asleep . . .

When I woke up there was a nurse talking to me telling me that I needed to wake up so they could bring me upstairs.  The only thing I cared about though was the pain I had in my back.  It was horrible.  The nurse said that once I got upstairs they would give me more pain med, but if she did it then I would fall back asleep as I wouldn't be able to go to my room.  I actually didn't care about going to the room - I just wanted the pain gone.  So now I'm awake, but they can't take me to my room because they have to wait for something (I have no idea what).  At this point I'm ready to walk to my room for two reasons 1. I wanted to switch positions to ease the back pain and 2. once I got there I could get some pain meds.  They didn't think that was a great idea though . . .

Up in the room, I did get more pain meds, but the back pain really didn't ease up until the next day.  The room was super hot because of some remodeling and they didn't have any fans.  My sister put cold paper towels on my head and then later went and picked up a fan from her house.  The evening is a bit foggy I only remember bits and pieces.  My friend Jeannie stayed overnight at the hospital with me, which I was very thankful for.  I really needed someone to help me with things and get a nurse when I needed.

Overall everything went very smoothly and I'm very happy with my surgeon - Dr. Schwartz. 

Half way there

Mar 09, 2009

Today is day 8 of the 14 day pre-op liquid diet.  It has definitely gotten easier, but I still have trouble in the afternoon and late evening.

I've always know that I eat for other reasons than hunger, but it's never been as clear as it is now!  I was at work last week it was about 4PM and I was not looking forward to going home.  Eventually I realized it was because I couldn't go home and eat a yummy dinner.  My dinner would consist of 1C of broth and a protein drink.  I also found out last week that the firm I work for is closing and I am loosing my job.  When I heard the news I immediately wanted to eat!  I knew this would happen, I would have to find other ways to sooth myself, and so here I am in the middle of it and I'm still OKAY.  I didn't get sick or die like my mind made up all those other times.  I just realized - I think I feel stronger.

Can't I just sleep through this?

Mar 03, 2009

Today is day two of my pre-op liquid diet.  I want to cry!!  Last night was really difficult and I think evenings will be in general.  My plan tonight is to go to bed early and hopefully sleep through the hunger.  I'm really trying hard to remember that this is only temporary and there are worse things I could go through.

Last Wednesday I had my pre-op physical, labs drawn, EKG, and chest x-ray.  So far they've all come back normal.  This is the point last time where they found a problem and cancelled surgery (for the band) so I'm a bit skittish.  I cannot wait to be on the other side!!


Feb 17, 2009

I just got off of the phone with my mom.  I finally told her and my dad about the surgery and they seemed happy for me!  I was so worried!  One more hard thing done.
1 comment

I'm excited now

Feb 10, 2009

In my last entry I said that I wasn't excited about having bypass.  The main reason was that I was scared of it.  Since I originally planned on the band I was just too worried about the bypass to be happy about it.  Well, I'm happy now!!  I spoke with the bariatric center today and scheduled surgery for March 16th.  I can't wait to start my new life!

Now - how do I tell my family?  They've never had weight issues and don't understand why I just don't eat less.  hmmmm

Trying again

Jan 26, 2009

After several months of internal turmoil regarding the bypass, I've decided to go ahead with it.  I've gained back the weight that I lost before I was scheduled to have the band and I've been miserable.  So went back to the surgeon that was going to do the band and I asked him tons of questions and told him everything I was concerned about.  I'm now comfortable with my decision.
My insurance has approved the switch to bypass so now all I need to do is loose 15 lbs and have another UGI done to make sure my esophagus has healed.
I want to be excited about this, but I'm a bit cautious after getting so close last time and having it canceled.


What's next?

Sep 09, 2008

My surgeon will not give me the band.  He said in his experience fixing the hernia will not help the reflux and putting a band on will only make things worse.  He said the next step is to take the reflux medication and go back for another UGI in 6 weeks if things look better he will do a bypass, but not the band.

He did say that I would probably be able to find a surgeon who would do the band for me.  I don't think that's what I'm going to do.  I don't know what I'm going to do. 

It's been one year

Sep 02, 2008

My appointment to 'discuss my options' with my surgeon is Sept 9 (the day after I was supposed to have surgery.)  Until then I promise myself that . . .
I will continue trying to lose.
I will keep going to the gym.
I will eat healthier than ever and most important;
I will keep a positive attitude.

About Me
Woodbury, MN
Surgery Date
Sep 06, 2007
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What's next?
It's been one year
