
Feb 29, 2008

I just got a call from the psycholgist at the bariatric center and he said that my test scores were so good that he doesn't need to meet with me anymore!  Hurrah!  One more hurdle done!  And only two more months of the supervised diet.

I've had an awful chest cold this week so I haven't been working out, but up until then I was getting in 5 days of cardio and 3 days strength training.  It's amazing how much it improves my mood (or maybe it's not really amazing since "we've" known that for years now).  Either way I'm still amazed by it.  I also notice many little daily things are easier to do.  For example, tieing my shoes, walking to the bus, going up the stairs.

The food part is not going so well.  Why?  One word - sugar!  I hate it/I love it/I have to live without it/I can't live without it.  Fast food is also a problem.  Okay, I'm going to do this - no fast food tomorrow.  Just tomorrow (saturday).  I can do one day.  Right?

Ploding along

Feb 18, 2008

I retook the psyc test and this time there is no way I can be labled as too depressed for surgery.  I really didn't want to play games, but I'm going to do what it takes to get this done.

I've been doing well with my workouts - getting in 5 days of cardio and three days of strength training each week.  As of last night I'm down 2 more lbs.  It's a great feeling.

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea three years ago, but the cpap didn't work for me.  Last week I went back to the Doc and she said we're going to do another sleep study, but this time WITH the cpap and we'll figure out what the problem is; so this Fri I go back to the sleep lab.  I'm actually really excited about this.  I'd love to feel more rested in the morning! 


Jan 25, 2008

I've been having some problems with the psychologist that my Bariatric center uses.  I'm even struggling right now to find anything nice to say about him.  He really just doesn't seem smart enough to be a psychologist.  I feel like he only hears part of what I say and then tunes out other things.  It's absolutely maddening!  I also cannot believe the amount he charges - $520 for a session where he just types into his computer.  Are you kidding me?

The other issue frustrating me right now is that the Bariatritian I met with last week asked me why I was having the band rather than the bypass and told me that I would do much better with the bypass.  This was about 30 seconds after she met me and knew nothing about me.  When I got very quiet she said, "well, it's your decision."  When she was done with her "check-up" she said, "you're very healthy."  Of course, I didn't think of it at the time, but I should have said, "Yes, so why would I choose the riskier procedure when I don't have as much at stake?"

Whew, I feel better having gotten all of that out!


Dec 19, 2007

I'm now going into my second month of my six month dr. diet and I've lost 10 lbs!  The nutritionist and I decided to take very small steps since I have six months to loose 30 lbs  so all I've changed is my beverages (only non-caloric) and eating out (once a day instead of three times - I know, I know!).  Gotta run - will write more later.

Little changes

Oct 30, 2007

Here it is the end of October and I don't have much to update. . . I had my labs done, but the results are not yet back.  I've been writing down my food and last night I joined the gym.
My goal at the gym is to go Mon, Wed, Fri at the minimum and do 20 min of cardio at the min.  Then three days a week (Tues, Thur and one weekend day) do strength training at home.  I want to build up to 5 days of cardio for one hour.
The other thing I'm working on is making small changes to my eating.  For example, in the morning I had been getting a med. mocha frap (no whip - how's that for making a sacrifice?! ) now I'm getting a soda instead (1/2 regular and 1/2 diet). 

On my way . . .

Oct 05, 2007

I've moved on to the next step in the process; I had my meeting with the bariatric nurse.  With the exception of two things, everything she told me I knew from hanging out here.  Thanks OH!
The first thing I didn't know is that my insurance will not approve me for the lap band at my BMI.  They will only approve the bypass because they say they haven't seen good enough results with the band and the amount of weight I need to loose.   Maybe they're right, but I know that bypass is NOT for me so it's the band or nothing.
The second thing is that I absolutely must go on a Dr. supervised diet for 6 months.  Okay, I'll do it, but I'm not happy about it!!  Hopefully, this will make the first item moot because I'll get down to a weight my insuance will approve.
I was going to use the nutrition consult to start my 6 mo diet, but I don't meet with her until November 20.  Since I could already have a month in at that point, I decided to go to someone else and I have that appt. next week.  I can't wait to get started.
The nurse did give me a food diary that I need to use until I see the nutritionist.  I'm also supposed to start not drinking with meals and taking smaller bites just to get used to it.


Sep 06, 2007

After several months of being a "lurker" I'm finally a member.  I'm so grateful that I found this site.  It's been a huge help in not only deciding on what type of surgery is right for me, but I also don't feel so alone anymore.   Thank you to everyone who has told their story!


About Me
Woodbury, MN
Surgery Date
Sep 06, 2007
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