TWO more pounds ....

May 24, 2009

I am excited. I need to loose TWO more pounds to get below 300lbs! I havent been below that since before I had my daughter almost six years ago!! That will also put me at the 60lb mark at 4 months post op...

I am still trying to decide if I need more put in my band or not. Sometimes it feels super tight and I can only eat a bit of food...and then other times..I can eat way more than 1/4 cup...I guess it depends on the type of food as well.

For breakfast every day I have oatmeal with a few raisens This seems to help with constipation...something I previously had never had in my life!  I really try to stick to the three meals a day..but sometimes i get hungry and have to have a little snack. I try to save my protein shakes for the snacks...but I feel like those add calories that I dont want! 

For lunch...i usually nuke a weight watchers of the small ones. Sometimes I can eat the whole thing...and sometimes a couple bites and Im done. But i try to pick out the ones that have under 300 i ifgure if i cant finish it then...i can finish it later.  dinner i eat whatever i make for dinner. usually a meat and veggie.

My daughter made a cake last night and kept bugging me about trying i took one bite...BIG was stuck...and I was in pain it seemed like forever! So I guess cake rates right up there with bread and pasta! none of those for me! 

I think the next time I go in to my doc i am going to see if he can tweek it just a little bit...maybe 1/4 of a just nervous about getting too tight because I am moving in two weeks so if I am too tight I am going to have to wait until I find a surgeon in El Paso to take care of it. But maybe I can suffer it out and do some major weight loosing. I am going home to NY in July...and nobody but my parents have seen me since the surgery....well nobody really even knows that I got it done! Havent told I wonder if they will see a difference at all or if fat is just fat and since they havent seen me they wont notice the difference. hmmm I wonder...

Well I better get to bed..I have so much work to do tomorrow!

My Band is too tight....ummm no its yes it is!

May 21, 2009

The band is is tighter some days than others...and ofcourse it is always tighter in the morning than it is in the evening. Its just weird.

I am trying to loose two more pounds so I can hit the down 60lbs mark!! Then I can start working on the NEXT 60lbs...that number is alot less intimidating than saying I need to loose another 132lbs! 

We have so much going on this next week. They are coming for our pre inspection of our quarters....then they start packing us on the 3rd...they are coming tuesday to check out what it is they will be packing...I really hate moving! This weekend is our organize, get rid of and clean weekend...we need to get the stuff we need to keep here and that we are going to move our selves into one room...along with clothes that we need and stuff! I am SOOO not looking forward to it!!

I have been bad about working out...although I have been riding my new bike. My husband bought me a three wheeler...its basically an adult tricycle! I LOVE it!! its comfy to ride even though everyone looks at you like you have lost your mind...i dont care!! So I have been riding that...but I have been pretty bad too because we have gone to Coldstone a couple times..that is a VERY evil place!! I need to STAY AWAY!!!!

But I am back on track..Ive barely even eaten today because today is a tight day!!!
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Getting ready to go camping!

May 04, 2009

Well we went shopping yesterday up at Sam's Club, we are heading out in our RV down to fort bliss for the weekend. Our son will be there training so we thought we would see him and check out the post that we will be living at in a couple of months. I havent heard good things about this post. So I am not real excited about moving again so soon.

I think I have been doing ok with my eating. I think my band is in a good place since he took that other 1/2 cc out but I kind of wonder if he needs to put just a smidgen back in. I can eat ok without pain unless I eat too fast ofcourse. Which I am still trying to remind myself. I forget and will be getting ready to leave or feeding my daughter and just grab something...forgetting that I need to sit and go slow and thats when the pain does hit.

I need to get my butt to the gym...I am so terrible at that!
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Having a crappy food day!

May 02, 2009

Today I just feel like eating and eating and eating...trying to keep busy so that I wont! I know its because its that favorite time....but I swear I could just stick my face in a chocolate cake and inhale!! 

They measured me at Curves tonight!

Apr 28, 2009

Well...I feel pretty good. They did my measurements at Curves tonight.

They first measured me on April 2nd. I did 10 workouts between 4/2 and 4/28

I lost 9lbs

Inches lost
Bust:  -3.25in
Waist : -.5in
Hips: -3 in
Thighs: -2 in

Total Inches Lost:
-10.75 inches! Yeah me!

My BMI also went down -1.52 poins

Total weight loss 53lbs!

Ok...I also posted some new pictures...I dont really see a difference though. My mom says she can...but Maybe next month it will be more dramatic! I am still happy with the weight loss so makes me want to actually work out more and stuff when I do loose so I have to keep motivated!! So far so good! 

Trip to the Doc's and another 2lbs down! Yeeeehaw!

Apr 28, 2009

I feel so much better today. I went back up to Dr. Monash's and he took out 1/2cc so I have in 6.5 right now. I think I am good. I could drink without any pain...bonus!!

I had gotten on the scale this morning and was down another 2lbs which makes me so happy!!  so I am down a total of 53lbs!! Yeah Me! 

After the appointment Isabela wanted we went to pizza hut. They didnt have much that I could eat so I just got the salad bar. I actually ate very little...felt full and didnt have any THIS is how it is supposed to be!! When I started to get full, I felt like some pressure so I stopped and I felt great! So maybe I am at a good place now! Lets hope!! It just takes alot of messing around til ya get it right because everyone is different! 

Im heading to the gym right now...cant wait for friday so I can get measured too to see if I have lost any inches plus I am going to have my husband do a full set of pictures too!!

Back to the doc's again tomorrow

Apr 27, 2009

Well I talked to Dr. Monash and he said that my band needs to have more taken out of it. It shouldnt be hurting all the time. I dont mind the not being able to eat much..that is the whole point of it right? but when I DO eat...its just so painful..even drinking water I have trouble...but not as much as last week. Hopefully I can at least get to only being able to eat a little...

I hate the drive up there. We always try to combine it with other things....Rick has an appt at 10 so we are going up with him...then on to is just such a long drive..
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My band is still too tight!

Apr 27, 2009

Well I guess I need to call the doc this morning. I dont know what the deal is. Right after they took some fluid out I was good...but over the weekend it has just gotten so I can barely even drink again. Taking my pills at night is a horribly painful experience...I usually can't eat at all until mid afternoon. I cooked a lean cuisene at about two pm It took me until almost 11 that night to finish it. It was only spag.! It shouldnt be excrutiatingly painful every time I eat. Its making me crazy....that is all I ended up having all day yesterday besides my protein shakes which I had to really work thru to get down. So I will call them and see what they say. I cant get up to Tucson until I will have to brave it out until then!
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Trying some different foods.

Apr 25, 2009

Well I cant eat at all in the morning, so its a protein shake for breakfast for me! I waited until mid afternoon and cooked up a lean cuisine one of those philly chez steak open sandwhiches. I did pretty good with it. It took me about an hour to finish it which is good. I need to slow down my eating, I have been really working on that. Its all much slower, the only thing that I have a super hard time with is water..i want to just chug it and have to really force myself to slow down or feel the pain! Atleast it goes away quickly.

Tonight we are going to have fish and sweet potatoes. So we will see how that does. I just have to eat super slow and chew the heck out of them!!

I am in the down side of the end of the month. I am going to TRY not to get on the scale until friday when I have my weigh in at curves..dont know if I can stay off it. But am seriously going to try!! 

Its weird to eat only two bites and then be done!

Apr 24, 2009

Well the Doc said I would be tighter in the morning because of water retention. I think hes right. I had a piece and a half of canned manderine orange and then I started feeling that pressure so I was done. I had my protein shake ok with no problem but then I made some egg beaters I had about four bites and was done.

It feels WEIRD! I guess because I am so used to eating such HUGE portions that is why. I am sure I will get used to it soon and hopefully it will become the everyday way of life.

So now I wonder how good egg beaters will be heated up! I dont mind them much, they are just as good as regular eggs scrambled as long as I put a little ketchup on them. But since dummy me made so much the amount I made might last me for the next couple days if I can only eat four bites at a time! Hopefully they dont taste all gross when I heat them up!

Well back to work I need to do some stuff before I go and hit the gym!
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About Me
Fort Huachuca, AZ
Surgery Date
Dec 25, 2008
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