Useful numbers... So I can find them later instead of re-typing

Nov 19, 2012

Sometimes it is confusing to try to make things make sense... We deal with different measurements... ml... oz... cups.... liters... EEK!

So for me I had something drilled into my head when I was in my teens, and it comes with second nature now but for others maybe this is useful, and this will keep it handy so others can use it, or I can copy and re-post it.


A semi-useful set of numbers that may help:

1 tablespoon = 15 ml approximately (it's a little under but close enough)

1 ounce = 29.573... ml so therefore 2 tablespoons approximately.

1 cup = 16 tablespoons  (therefore 2 tablespoons is 1/8th of a cup and 4 table spoons is 1/4 of a cup)

4 cups = 1 Litre

In the interim maybe try it like this:

1 tablespoon is .0625 of a cup
2 tablespoons is .125 of a cup
4 tablespoons is .25 of a cup
8 tablespoons is .5 of a cup

