5/16/2008 - The responses were amazing!

May 16, 2008

The one upside to my brother-in-law's funeral was seeing all of our Wisconsin friends and family.  Some I saw at Christmas-time (that's a 4-month difference, and you know that's an eternity in the world of RNY).  Some I hadn't seen since before my surgery.  So...you can just imagine the responses!  I walked in to surprise my niece at work.  She said hi to me and kind of went on about her business.  I tilted my head at her and said hi Dani, then she looked again and ran up to me laughing.  :)  Cute.  My dad said that I looked great and thinks that now I look a lot like Dani (my niece.)  We always have looked somewhat alike, but now I guess I look younger, so we look more similar.  When we went shopping for flowers, the florist told my sister she had three beautiful daughters.  The only ones there were me, my sister, and her two step-daughters.  Yikes!  She took it in stride though, and chalked it up to all the stress she's been through.  

There were those that walked up to me and appologized for not saying hi earlier, because they didn't recognize me at first!  :)  But my favorites were those that saw me as they were walking in the door, and just stopped with their jaws hitting the floor.  Wow.  Talk about makes you feel like a million bucks!  Funny, I never got tired of hearing, "Deb, you're absolutely beautiful!  Of course I always thought you were, but now...wow!"  It was the experience of a lifetime, and really made me feel like a million bucks. 

4/25/2008 - Passing of my Brother-In-Law

May 16, 2008

My brother-in-law (sister's husband) DeWayne Guell passed away on April 25th at 45 years old.  He had been battling cancer for 28 months and finally is at peace.  Needless to say, I've been out of the loop for the past few weeks.  I drove up to Wisconsin right away and spent a few weeks with family...mostly my sister.  She's handling things fairly well.  Cancer is such a creul disease.  Some are treatable, and thank God for that.  Unfortunately, that was not the case for DeWayne and it was hard for my sister to watch him suffer.  I'm hoping she can keep focusing on the fact that he's not in pain anymore.

4/25/2008 - Updating my ticker and my goal

Apr 24, 2008

Dr. Olsen was clear that she felt 135 would be too low for me.  It'll probably be a good goal for after pregnancy and plastic surgery, but not yet.  :(  I'm a little sad, but do understand what she's talking about.  I've trusted her opinion from the start, and don't see a reason to stop now, so change I will.  Plus, I said in the beginning that I didn't know what a good adult weight was for me...it always was an adaptable number.  I'm liking the curves I have now.  The only parts of my body that I don't like are the ones that are going to need surgery to fix, and more weight loss won't change that.

So...this morning I changed my ticker to show 149 as my goal!  When I achieve that I'll be able to say I lost 100 pounds, and I'll have a healthy BMI.  Sounds great to me!  9 pounds to go!!!

6 Month Labs & Follow-up

Apr 24, 2008

I had my 6 month follow-up with my surgeon yesterday!  It went pretty well, and I’m excited!  So, first off we talked about my goal.  Her goal for me was 150.  Mine was 135.  My goal has always been just a number I picked out of the sky, and I’ve never really been married to it or anything.  I always thought I’d get to 150 and then re-assess.  So, Dr. Olsen said she thinks 135 will be too small for me.  She said 150…maybe 145.  Especially since my goals are:  1 – goal weight.  2 – pregnancy.  3 – lose baby weight.  4 – plastic surgery.  Once I’m done with all of that I could be at 135 (maybe), but for now she’s really recommending 150.  Wow!  That means I’m 9 pounds from goal!  That’s crazy!!!  It totally feels within reach now, and I’m re-focused on getting there.
She agreed that I didn’t have to wait the full 18 months before trying to get pregnant.  Once I maintain my goal weight and goal nutritional #s for a few months she’ll give me the go-ahead.  J  Yippee!!! 

So...here’s the lab results:
   Iron – last time my iron was right at 40 (borderline anemic.)  One point lower and they would have made me start taking iron supplements.  L  Yuk.  This time my iron has gone up, so I’m out of the woods!  J  I’ve been borderline for years, so this was most definitely positive news!  Dr. Olsen said I still need to focus on getting this higher to build up my iron stores for pregnancy.  She prescribed a pre-natal vitamin for me.  
   B Vitamins – All of my B’s were OK last time, but they still recommended that I add in some B vitamins to my routine.  I’ve been taking B12 sublingual and B100 every day.  Now my B12 is high.  The NUT said that’s fine.
   Cholesterol – Last time my cholesterol was high.  Bad cholesterol high, and good cholesterol low.  Triglycerides (sp?) were high.  Now the bad cholesterol and triglycerides are normal!  That makes me very happy!  It shows that I’m getting healthier.  I feel like I am, but it’s nice to see it in the numbers too.  My good cholesterol is still a little low, but my NUT said that could be due to the weight loss.  It’ll even itself out as I start maintaining.  She also mentioned that aerobic exercise helps with that, so the running should help that too.
   Protein – Last time my protein was at 16.  It should be 20 or higher.  So, the NUT bumped me up from 70 to 80 grams of protein a day.  This time it was at 18.  So, the number has gone up, but not enough.  L  That’s a real bummer, because I’ve been getting my 80 grams in every day.  She said not to get discouraged, it just means that my body’s not absorbing the protein as well.  So she bumped it up again…to 90 grams of protein a day!  L  Yuk.  That’s going to be a real struggle, but it’ll be worth it in the end.
   Thyroid – My thyroid seems to have righted itself.  I haven’t taken synthroid since month 2, and my thyroid numbers were normal.  Not quite sure why or how that happened, but I’m not complaining!

All things not mentioned above were normal at both check-ups.  So, overall, the news was good.  Still some work to do on my protein, but at least it’s going in the right direction.  I feel pretty good about it all.  I passed the food & exercise review with flying colors too.  All in all, I feel good and am so glad I had this surgery!  I am completely re-focused on both my weight goal and my nutritional goals...I'm getting closer to TTC!!!


4/16/2008 - She thought I was Ryan's new wife!

Apr 16, 2008

I took the dogs for a walk today and ran across some neighbors outside.  She stopped and asked if I lived at the top of the hill.  I said yes and then she kind of hemmed and hawed for awhile.  Finally she just asked if I had lost a lot of weight.  I smiled and said, yes, I did lose quite a bit of weight, and explained that I had gastric bypass surgery.  She smiled and said that she and her husband had just noticed me in my yard last week and were trying to decide between two possibilities.  
     Option 1 – I had lost a lot of weight, but they didn’t think that was it because it had happened so quickly, and I didn’t really look like the girl that “used to live there”.  J  
     Option 2 – This is the one they were pretty sure of…they thought that Ryan had gotten a new wife!  J  I laughed pretty hard and said, I think he probably feels that way sometimes!  
Anyway, it was very flattering.  After that she explained that she had RNY too!  She had it 7 years ago, and had the open procedure.  It was really interesting.  Also great timing for me, because now that I’m getting closer to goal, I’m starting to have some more questions about how things are for people further out.  We talked about extra skin.  She had plastic surgery (a tummy tuck, augmentation and brachioplasty) and was happy with those results.  She had a post-op pregnancy (which I’ve been thinking about a lot lately).  It was healthy, and she said she only gained 15 pounds.  I asked if it was difficult to lose the baby weight and she said no (music to my ears.)  It was a great conversation.  
In the end, I’m still smiling at the profoundness of what they had suggested…that Ryan got a new wife.  Maybe because even though I’m still Deb, I feel like a new me, and I know it’s a new experience for Ryan too!  So in a way, yes!  Ryan did get a new wife!  A new wife, yet with all of the familiarity and security of a long-standing, loving marriage!  :)  

4/9/2008 - 6 Month Surgiversary!

Apr 14, 2008

OK, it’s a little late, but the thoughts remain the same.  Last week was my 6 month surgiversary.  I can’t believe how fast these 6 months have gone!  Wow!  I really didn’t expect the changes to be this quick!  I have had so many improvements in my quality of life, but I have learned so much about myself as I’m changing too!  Here’s a short list of some of the changes:

  • 90 pounds gone (92 pounds as of today.)  I’ve lost a teenager or petite adult!
  • BMI went from morbidly obese at 41.4 to overweight at 26.5  (26.1 as of today)
  • 55.9 inches lost (measuring neck, chest, upper arm, waist, hips, thigh and calf)
  • Went from a size 22/24 to a 12 (even some 10’s)
  • Lost 2 whole ring sizes:  Before - 8 ½.  After - 6 ½
  • Shoe size went from 8 ½ or 9 wide to 8 normal. (a normal width makes shoe shopping so much easier, not to mention fun!)
  • My confidence has returned
  • My husband is in awe of my physical appearance (I love the looks he gets on his face from time to time.)  He’s been my biggest cheerleader
  • I fit into things now! (plane seats, booths, those plastic outdoor chairs, etc)
  • Clothes shopping is so much fun!
  • I am comfortable whether I’m walking, standing or sitting
  • I can cross my legs, and actually prefer to do so!
  • I can polish my toes and breathe while doing it
  • People look AT me now instead of through me
  • I’ve met a whole new group of friends through my support groups (both at Womack and here on OH!)

 I know there are a lot of things that can go wrong with this surgery, but I have been very lucky.  My side effects have been mild.  I don’t dump in the traditional sense.  If I eat too much, I get super tired, but that’s about it.  My life has done a 180.  I still enjoy food, it just takes a lot less before I’m done, and I now gravitate towards the protein rich foods instead of the high-sugar foods.  I can eat just about any meat that I’ve tried, and can enjoy one or two bites of those scrumptious looking desserts that my husband gets from time to time.  That’s rare though.  I look forward to my exercise (most days.)  J  I like going for walks and I love to swim.  I love being able to feel the muscles that I’ve developed.  I have followed my surgeon and NUT recommendations, and it has paid off.  Now I’m 10 pounds from Dr’s goal, and 25 from my personal goal.  I haven’t decided where I’m going to stop and work on maintaining…I’ll just keep re-assessing as I get further down that road.  I’m getting close to goal no matter how you look at it.  Bottom line…I think that even if I stop loosing today, I feel like I’ve succeeded.    


3/27/2008 - People are staring!

Mar 26, 2008

You know how when you're overweight, people kind of look right through you?  You end up feeling invisible.  I've recently noticed people are staring at me a lot, so I talked to Ryan about it yesterday.  He has noticed people looking at me, but he said, "They're not staring.  It just feels that way because you're not used to being looked at.  You look nice and are catching people's eyes now."  I guess it makes sense.  His viewpoint is that when I was MO, people wanted to look at me, but were trying to be polite.  Kind of like you're not supposed to stare, so they just wouldn't look at all.  I understand what he's saying, but it's been really odd at times.  Kind of something that I just need to get used to I guess.

So, on that same note, kind of.  Yesterday we went out after Will's memorial to have a toast (me with my water) and celebrate his memory.  What a different experience it was for me!  All of Ryan's co-workers were there, a VERY physically minded bunch of guys.  There have always been a few people that have talked with me, walk up and hug me, and I love them dearly.  But last night, I was getting hugged by everyone!  I stopped counting the amount of times I heard, "Wow girl, you're looking great!"  Or, "Hey cutie!"  I even got a few slaps on the rear.  OK, I understand this is not an ideal situation for most people, but it's kind of like a show of affection for this crowd.  Ryan was right next to me, and it's all good-hearted.  The things is, I've watched these guys do these same things for years to all of the other spouses around me, and suddenly I'm getting the same kind of attention.

I heard about these changes from other people who have gone before me.  & I've heard a lot of people get angry at the change in treatment.  Personally, I expected that if/when it happened to me, I'd get angry too.  What, I wasn't good enough for you before?  But realistically, I'm not angry.  I'm ashamed to say that I think I felt the same way about myself before too.  Those that knew me well, loved me, how could you not?  :)  But for the people that only knew me as an acquaintence, or in passing...how could I expect them to feel differently about me than I did?    So now I feel so much better about myself, which I'm sure means I carry myself differently too.  I am enjoying the new-found attention.  I'm surprised to say that I'm not angry, I understand where these people are coming from.  But I will always hold a special place in my heart for the people who loved me as I was before (regardless of my physical appearance.)

3/22/2008 - In memory...Will made the ultimate sacrifice

Mar 24, 2008

I posted this on the NC Forum, but decided it should be here too.  

A good friend, Will Jefferson, was killed by an IED in Afghanistan today (Saturday, 22 March 2008.)  He worked with my husband up until a few months ago.  We were quite close with him and his family.  His wife is 7 months pregnant with their 2nd little girl.  We're all still pretty much in shock.  It was just a few months ago we were all playing poker together, followed by a rousing game of "Rock Star".  He was supposed to be coming home in a few weeks.  I know everyone says this when someone dies, but Will truly was a great guy:  a loving husband, caring father, and loyal friend.  

Things just don't seem right.  I keep waiting to wake up.  Sunday at Easter church service, the pastor said that Jesus rising from the dead has made death obsolete for all of us.  I know that...I believe that...but it's awfully hard to celebrate right now.  

You can be sure Will has already organized the weekly poker tournament in heaven!  We'll miss your laugh and your friendship Will.  Rest in peace and honor.

3/14/2008 - Hiking and everything else

Mar 14, 2008

So, my dad is visiting, which is nice.  We saw him at Christmas, but there have been a lot of changes since then.  Anyway, my dad is a go-go-go person, and he just exhausts me!  I've realized that even though my energy level is up, I still really enjoy a mid-day nap, and I haven't been getting that since he's been here.  So, by the time we get to a point that I could sit down and catch up on OH, I'm toast...and end up just going to bed.  Oh well, it's for a limited amount of time.

Last weekend we drove out to Chimney Rock.  It was beautiful!  We did a lot of hiking...I mean A LOT!  And there were a zillion stairs to climb!  So, I certainly got my exercise in that day!  But, I was able to keep up!  The dogs had a blast too!  

I think we're going to Wilmington this weekend.  Oh, and the big news!?!  I finally got a new camera!!!  Thank God!  I've been needing one so badly, and I just love it!  Now that I'm actually starting to like pictures of myself, it's only right that I get a decent camera, isn't it?  :)  

OK...it's good to be back.  My dad will be here for another week or so, but I'll try to be better about posting on OH.

3/14/2008 - New York City...Here I Come!

Mar 14, 2008

OK, actually, New York City...there I was!  I flew up to Philly, my friend Tammy flew from Tampa to Philly, and we spent the night at Lisa's house.  The next morning we drove up to Trenton and took the commuter train to New York.  The train ended up at Penn Station and then we were able to walk to our hotel (right on Times Square) from there.  It was fabulous!  Cool weather, but it was do-able.  We checked into our hotel, and then did some sight-seeing.  We took the subway down to Battery Park.  From there, we went to the Staute of Liberty, Ellis Island, Ground Zero and then met some friend's of Lisa's for drinks.  We went to dinner at a cute little italian place.  I had some kind of chicken something, which I ended eating off of for the rest of the weekend, so that worked out well.  

Saturday was shopping day!  We hit 5th Avenue and walked through a whole bunch of stores that we could never hope to spend any money in.  At Tiffany's we all came close to buying something, but came to our senses just in time!  :)  Then we went to H&M and all tried on a million different things.  It was so much fun to be able to shop for clothes in the same store and section as my friends!!!  I kept making funny little happy sounds in the dressing room, which had Lisa rolling in histerical laughter.  Good times.  :)  We ended up in Central Park and took a horse & carriage ride.  Then we walked back towards Times Square.  We made a stop at the Carnegie Deli so I could bring Ryan and my dad back one of their fabulous cheesecakes.  I made the mistake of buying blueberries to put on top.  They got confiscated by security at the airport coming home.  I guess they considered the blueberries a gel!  Oh well, at least they were OK with the cheesecake!  :)  That night we went to see Wicked.  It was incredible!  I was just blown away by the show and the talent!  What a great experience!  

Sunday morning we got up early and walked down to Bryant Park, saw the New York Library, Grand Central Station, Little Italy and ended our trip with some shopping in Chinatown!  What a great time we had!  Then back to our hotel to pick up our bags, catch the train and head back to Philly.  Lisa was anxious to get back to her hubby and kids, and she had to work the next day too.  So, Tammy and I went to dinner in Philly that night.  I guess the best way to describe Tammy's and my relationship is that we're like sisters that grew up in different parts of the country.  It was great for us to spend some time together just the two of us.  

Monday morning we were off to the airport to head home!  A great time was had by all.  It was a quick trip, but just the break we all needed.  

WLS moments on this trip?  Oh yeah...plenty!  
1 - walking from Penn Station to Times Square.  I felt great!  Not out of breath or anything, even though I was pulling my suitcase.  OK...that counts for walking everywhere, because that's all you do in NYC!  
2 - I already mentioned clothes shopping in the same store with my friends.  This is a milestone people who haven't been here don't understand.  They just kind of nod their heads and look at you funny.  But it gets old looking at clothes for other people when there's things you like, but won't even bother trying on.  This was is much more fun!
3 - getting in the carriage in Central Park.  I was the last to get on and was going to sit on the other side.  Lisa said, no...sit here so we can all look the same way together!  I said I wouldn't fit there, and she laughed at me...yes you will!  So I tried.  Guess what?  She was right!  I fit!  
4 - There was room in my jeans for long underwear!  Thank God, because I was cold enough as it was!  Sure, they were a little bulkier, but it was fine.
5 - My dad drove into town on Sunday (yes, while I was still gone.)  He and Ryan came to pick me up at the airport on Monday.  He said it was a good thing that Ryan was along because he didn't recognize me until Ryan pointed me out!  :) 

About Me
Sanford, NC
Surgery Date
Aug 17, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Before surgery

Friends 94

Latest Blog 51
Happy 1st Surgiversary to Me - I have BIG News!!! - 10/9/2008
Happy Birthday to Me - 08/13/2008
10 Month Surgiversary! - 08/09/2008
Feeling normal again - 7/30/2008
I lost the baby - 7/23/2008
The Big Wow - I'M PREGNANT!!! - 7/22/2008
7-17-2008 - I'm An After!
6/11/2008 - Goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6/9/2008 - 8 months and life is a blast!
