10/23/2007 - Terrific Tuesday!

Oct 23, 2007

I'm two weeks out today, and I'm feeling good!  The pain in my back is so much better, and the abdomen is pretty good too.  Just working on healing the small incisions, then I'll be in business!  My workout this morning on my eliptical machine was fabulous!  I see improvements every time I get on it...literally!  It's motivating to see.  Ryan did the weekly measurements, and I've lost 15 inches since surgery.  15 inches!  That said, I can't see any of it, not even sure I can see it in my clothes, but it'll come, it'll come.  24 pounds down, and 90 to go! 

10/22/2007 - Happy Birthday Mom!

Oct 22, 2007

Today would have been my mom's 61st birthday.  I can't help but wish I could call her and sing to her, but I may as well just start singing, because I know she can hear me from heaven!  It took today to make me think about how my mom would feel about this surgery and the incredible journey I'm on.  It didn't take long though, to know that she'd be completely supportive, as she was about everything in my life.  She would be proud, motivating, and cheering me on every step of the way.  Oh tears...I still miss her so much! 

10/20/2007 - I think I found a protein powder for my pouch!

Oct 20, 2007

Well, yesterday my friend Megan took me shopping (Thanks Megan!) and we stopped in at GNC.  I returned the Isopure powder.  It just wasn't working for me at all.  The instant I had it, I felt like my pouch was really unhappy.  I didn't dump or anything, it just felt wrong.  It didn't matter whether it was ready-made, or the powder.  So...I took it back.  I bought GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein instead.  I got it in Unflavored, Vanilla, and Choclate.  Today I used the vanilla to make a Pumpkin Protein Shake (as found on eggface's blog.)  Not only did it taste good, but it seems like my pouch approves of it too!  Thank God!  Hubby liked the pumpkin protein shake too.  I think I might add just a dash of splenda next time (he thought it was good as is.)  Either way, I'm glad I found a protein.  Now I can build from here.  :)

This morning I got on my eliptical trainer.  I was watching the biggest loser on TV and got motivated.  :)  Anyway, I was thrilled to find that I'm getting stronger!  I was able to work out on the "Weight Loss" program, which means it varies from "flat" to "hill".  I kept up for 30 minutes, which was definitely the most I have been able to do since surgery.  Heck, even before surgery, 30 minutes was my max!  I'm sore afterwards, but that's OK.  I'm glad to see the improvements.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

One piece of sad news.  I did not lose any weight yesterday, and today I actually went up a pound!    OK, OK, I said I knew that would happen once I started eating more calories, and I was right.  But that doesn't mean I have to like it, right?  Although it's a bummer, I'm not discouraged yet or anything.  I'm going to try to ignore the scale until Tuesday.  That will be my 2 week mark.  Then I'll take pics and measurements again.

Oh, and everything is healing really well except for one wound.  It's the one next to my belly button, which unfortunately means it's stuck in a flap of fat!  Yuck.  All of my other laproscopic sites have steri-strips over them, but this one has fallen off.  I looked at it after my shower today, and it still seems to be open!  :(  So, Ryan helped me clean it up good, and we covered it with a piece of gauze.  Hopefully that will allow some air to get to it so it can heal.  If it's not improving by Monday, I'll call the clinic, but it's certainly not a weekend-breaking issue yet.

Overall...things are great.  I'm getting my protein in, I'm getting my fluids in, my nails are growing like crazy and I'm stronger each day!

10/18/2007 - Full liquids are great, but my back is not!

Oct 18, 2007

Ya-hoo!  Today I get to add full liquids!  Adding a little milk or soup can really cheer a girl up!  :)  This morning I had milk with No Sugar Added Carnation Instant Breakfast.  It felt really heavy in my pouch, and I could only drink about an ounce at a time, but it was good, and well tolerated.  Yeah!
I also tried some cream soups that I strained.   Campbells Gold Select 1-Tomato with basil & garlic and 2-Summer squash.  They were excellent!  I tried adding some protein powder to them, but that was a no-go.  Tasted terrible.  Oh well.  Then I also made a protein smoothie that I found in the recipes on eggface's webpage.  I tried Green Giant.  It tasted pretty good!  Adding the SF Pudding powder really adds a lot of flavor.  That said, it seems awfully hard on my pouch.  The pouch accepts it and everything, but it just really fills me up and gets me super gassy.  (sorry if that's TMI).  I'm starting to wonder if it's the protein that I'm using though.  I have Isopure Creamy Vanilla.  I really like it's properties (no-carb, no-fat, and fully dissolves), but it's a very similar feeling to when I had the ready-made Isopure drinks.  So...maybe I'll have to look for another protein powder.  

Okay, so now for my other issue...my back!  I expected it to be getting better, but since yesterday afternoon, it has just been getting worse.  I started finding it hard to concentrate, and it almost made me feel sick to my stomach (or should I say sick to my pouch?)  Anyway, I asked Ryan to stop at the drugstore on his way home from work and get some stick on heat packs.  He brought home Icy/Hot pads, and they seem to be helping, but not eliminating it completely.  I wonder if this is gas...but it really seems more muscular.  I bought liquid tylenol before surgery, because my surgeon said we could take tylenol, just not any aspril or ibuprofen.  Yesterday I took some, and only got through half a dose, before I stopped.  It was super-sweet, and my pouch was not amused.  Duh!  Only after that did I think to look at the ingredients.  The first thing listed was corn syrup.  Yikes!  Pure sugar!  So, that won't work. I'll have to see if I can find another type of tylenol that works..  I'm going to post a question to the RNY site to see if anyone else had back problems like this.  

I walked about 10 minutes on my eliptical machine today.  That was pretty tough, it almost felt like walking uphill.  Tonight Ryan & I went for a walk in the neighborhood and I was able to go all the way down to the end of the street and back.  That includes a major hill that I couldn't handle just a few days ago.  Ryan even said he thought my breathing rate was better on that hill than before surgery!  :)  So...as far as that goes, things are looking up!

10/17/2007 - Day 9, Feeling Stronger!

Oct 17, 2007

This morning I woke up at 7:00 (as normal) and did a little bit of picking up around the house.  I do mean a little bit.  Things are so dusty, the dogs need a bath, and the floors could sure use some attention, not to mention all of the folded clean clothes that are piled on the dining room table!  I know if I mentioned any one of these things to Ryan, he'd take care of it, but I don't have the heart.  He's been such a good norse, and now that he's back to work, I know he doesn't have the energy once he gets home for this kind of stuff.  Anyway, my real point was that I am feeling stronger today.  I went for a walk that was much longer than I had been doing.  My neighborhood is super hilly, and I've been avoiding the hills...until this morning.  Today I walked all the way down and then back up the street.  I walked at a pretty average speed, but had to slow way down coming back up the hill.  No worries, I saw a huge improvememnt, and that's all I can ask for at this stage!  
My back is still killing me.  Yesterday the nurse speculated that it might hurt from laying on the OR table too long, or in a funny position.  Our furniture is soooo not supportive, and it's becoming apparent.  I guess I can't complain too much if my biggest problem isn't even related to the RNY!  :)  We took more pictures and measurements today.  Since I started this program, I had a total weight loss of 22 pounds and have lost 11.8 inches overall!  Whew!  Can't wait to see what's ahead!

10/16/2007 - Staples & Drain Removed!

Oct 16, 2007

Whew, what a full day!  Started off by taking a shower this morning.  It took me quite a while, and by the time I was ready for Tyler to pick me up for my one-week follow-up appointment, I was smoked!  But I made it.  She drove and then Ryan met us there (the hospital is close to his work.)  They removed the drain, which proved to be quite painful.  Apparently it had attached itself to something "in there".  Yikes.  It had to come out, and it did, but it hurt quite a bit.  Then the staples came out, which didn't hurt at all.  So, now I just have a few bandages.  I'm glad I had the drain in, because there was a lot of stuff draining (better out than in!)  But, I'm really glad to have it gone now.  I feel like I can walk around in public without a wierd bulge sticking out of my stomach and on my hip.  :)  The scale said 231.  That means I've lost 8 pounds since surgery...18 on my WLS journey!  Yippee!!!  
Then Tyler & I went to GNC so I could get more protein bullets.  I still don't like how they taste, but I can keep them down, and they seem to be the only way I can get my 70 grams in a day.  So I was glad to stock up on a few more of those. 
Tonight I went to the support group meeting at Womack, which was good.  Then stopped into my book club to say hi, and have a quick discussion about this month's book, My Sister's Keeper, by Jodi Picoult.  Wow...very moving book.  The fact that I'm still functioning at midnight shows that I'm really starting to feel better.  But I do have to admit that I'm pretty tired.  Ryan's heading to bed, and I think I'm going to follow him.  Sleep is my friend!  :)

10/15/2007 - Surgery's Done! The First Week of My New Life

Oct 15, 2007

Well, surgery was on Tuesday, I came home on Thursday, and just got to my computer today (Monday).  I want a record of everything to remember it all, so I'll go day by day:

Tuesday - Surgery Day
Got to the hospital at 7:30.  They took me into the pre-op prep area about 8:30.  Ryan went to the waiting area while they got me ready.  They had a little problem getting my veins to cooperate, but the anestesiologist finnaly came in & beat on my arm a bit until it played nice.  That hurt, but I was glad that it was done.  Ryan was able to come sit with me while we waited for my surgery.  I found myself getting very emotional while I waited.  My mind was jumping all over the place.  The hospital setting reminded me of the first time I saw my dad after the accident.  Then once I got past that, I started really thinking about the enormous change that I was beginning in my life.  I prepared myself for all of this, but suddenly I knew, nothing would ever be the same.  It was hard to keep it in...so I didn't.  :)  Dear Ryan was full of hugs, and positive thoughts.  I'm so glad he was there!  My new friend Stephanie (who I met on OH) was having her surgery just before mine.  So, when Dr. Olsen came to do her final chat with me, I asked how Stephanie was.  She smiled & said just fine.  :)  Yea!  So, I gave my kisses to Ryan and was rolled away.  Everyone was very nice, and comforting.

I was quite nauseous when I woke up and just wanted to keep sleeping.  The nurse kept walking by and waking me up, telling me to take deep breaths.  Finally they decided to roll me up to my room.  The movement was not good.  Ryan appeared next to the bed as we were rolling along.  Then they started pushing me backwards and that did me in.  I got sick, and a nurse ran an alcohol pad under my nose.  That worked like a charm!  I'd never heard of that before, but will keep it in my memory bank for the future!
  When I got to my room, I was thrilled to see that Stephanie was my roomate!  It was 4 or 5:00 by the time I got to my room, the day was quite a blur!  Talked for a bit with Ryan and my friend Tyler.  Tyler stayed with Ryan throughout the surgery, and has made it her mission to make sure I had everything I needed.  She's been a rock, and an incredibly helpful friend.  I was quite drugged up, so they left for the evening about 7:30.  The nurse got me up at 8:30 for my first walk.  I got a good lap around half of the floor.  I couldn't believe how wierd it felt to walk!  Back to my room, and off to sleep.

I woke up throughout the night (of course)...a hospital is not a place to rest.  :)  About 8:30, I went down to radiology for my barium test.  I was so excited, because they wouldn't let us drink anything until after all of that was done (just as a double check to make sure there weren't any leaks.)  After no water since Monday night, even the barium felt good in my mouth!  :)  Back to my room, exhausted...I woke up at 10, to find Tyler sitting in a chair, just outside my privacy curtain.  I said hi to her, and she came in.  We talked for awhile, and then went back down to radiology for the test follow-up.  They said all looked good and Dr. Olsen cleared me for liquids.  Thank God!  That was the best tasting water I'd ever had!  Ryan came in around 3:00.  We all played cribbage, which was quite a lot of fun.  I took quite a few walks, but after all that I was smoked!  I talked to quite a few people on the phone (Dad, Kate-my sister, Lisa).  And I was overwhelmed the flowers that people sent!  So thoughtful.  Tyler brought me a beautiful boquet, and the delivery man joked about me giving him his exercise after he'd brought up boquets from the schoolhouse (where Ryan works), Mike & Lisa, Colleen & family, and Eric & Angela.  When I went to sleep Wednesday night, I felt like I was sleeping in a florist.  It was beautiful and so remarkable to feel the love and support from soooo many people!  Oh, I didn't even mention the basket of goodies my friends gave me the day before surgery!  It was a huge basket of magazines, various flavors of Isopure, An aromatherapy heated neck pillow, personalized slippers and a spa wrap, and an incredibly generous gift certificate to GNC.  Wow.

It's going home day!  I woke up at 4:30 am, and couldn't fall back asleep, so I walked a few laps around the floor.  Ryan got there about 10:30, and I got dressed.  My paperwork was there by noon, and we were out the door by 12:30.  Ryan drove home so gently, I didn't know he was capable of taking speed bumps so slowly!  :)  Very sweet.   It was such a beautiful day...I sat out on the back porch for awhile, before going for a short walk.  Then I came in the house & crashed.  

The Dr. said day 4 would be the worst & she was right!  Friday morning was rough!  I felt nauseous, exhausted, and hurt everywhere!  I went for the minimum of walks, but for the most part, sat around and watched TV all day.

Saturday & Sunday
Felt much better!  My abs are still sore, but I can stand up a little easier now.  I walked around quite a bit, and feel I can start to take care of myself (except for picking up anything off the floor.  That's a no-go.)  Sat outside (in a chair) & socialized with the neighbors for a bit.  I was able to go without pain meds on both days, but by night-time, I was needing the help.  I guess that's to be expected.  Got a few more deliveries - a gerber daisy plant from Brian & Linda & a mini rose bush from dad.  A visit from Laura with a cute smily star balloon.  Jack & Mellyn came by to visit and brought a beautiful plant too.  Sunday was the first day I got all my protein in...yippee!  I can't believe how much it fills me up! 

Woke up feeling good this morning.  Ryan is at work, and I'm on my own for now.  Things are going well.  I was able to pull my computer out, and Tyler is coming over later to watch a movie.  Ryan tired the dogs out so much this weekend, that they're not work at all...I think they're thrilled to have a day of rest!  :)  All are sleeping soundly.

Overall Reflections
Yes, my life has changed!  I'm focusing on what needs to go in my mouth every 15 minutes!  Overal liquids are not a problem, but the protein is a struggle!  Last week I bought an Ironman Triathalon watch, with a timer on it.  I set it to repeat every 15 minutes.  This is the ONLY way I remember to drink when I have to.  It has been my lifesaver.  Plus, once I start it for the day, it counts the amount of repetitions, so I know at a glance how much I've drank.  So far I'm glad I did this surgery, but I'm already missing food a little bit.  Not that I really want to eat anything (I'm too full to even think about it), but knowing that I can't makes me sad.  :(  It's silly how food ruled my life!  I'll make it through the next few weeks, and will start on real food on Thanksgiving day (isn't that appropriate?)  :)  Overall, things are going well.  I'm really thankful that I had OH to help prepare me for this journey.  No turning back now!  This is the first week of my new life!

10/02/2007 - One Week to Go!

Oct 02, 2007

I can't believe I'm only a week away from my new life!  After all the prep work, I can finally say that I'm not nervous.  I'm more excited than anything!  I have a few things to do yet before surgery day not to mention a busy week, so hopefully time will fly! 

9/30/2007 - Pre-Op Diet

Sep 30, 2007

My surgeon requires a low-carb diet for 2 weeks before surgery.  I started the diet last Tuesday.  I've done Atkins before, so this isn't too new, just don't want to have too much fat either.  It's been fairly easy to follow.  I miss bread & things a little bit, but it's kind of a good warm up for what's to come.  ;-)  This is a very different dynamic from any other diet I've been on.  I see people around me eating things and I'm not tempted at all to eat the things I shouldn't.  OK, that's probably not 100% true.  I may be tempted, but that's as far as it goes.  My brain kicks in immediately and says, nope!  You have surgery coming up and that food may make your surgery more difficult.  So, the better I am on my diet, the better off I'll be for surgery.  There's not putting it off until tomorrow.  It's time and everything I do from here on out may affect the final outcome.  Yeah, I'll definitely stick with the plan! 

9/19/2007 - I have such great friends!

Sep 19, 2007

Early on in my decision making process about WLS, I struggled with whether to tell people about the surgery or not.  I was reminded of a woman I worked with that was out of work for 4 or 5 weeks.  She was having surgery, but wouldn't tell anyone what for.  When she came back, she'd lost half a person.  When asked if she'd had WLS, she denied it and stated that she'd just really cut back on what she was eating.  It was kind of odd, because we all felt that if she had just told us, we could have supported her.  Instead, it kind of turned into a joke.  Of course, everyone's entitled to their privacy, but it was obvious to all of us that she'd had some kind of intervention above and beyond "cutting back".  Especially because she was suddenly only "eating" protein shakes at work.  

When I started this journey, I was ashamed about the surgery.  I felt it marked the failure of all my attempts over the years.  But, the above experience really stuck with me, and I didn't want to try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.  My husband and a very good friend insisted that I didn't have anything to be ashamed of, that I should in fact be proud that I'm taking control of my life and doing what I have to do to be healthy.  As time has gone on, my pride has grown, and I am not ashamed anymore.  I agree with them, and I know that I'm doing the right thing!

So, the latest problem was how to tell people.  I didn't want any of my close friends to hear it from the rumor mill, I wanted them to hear from me!  So, I invited all my close girlfriends over for lunch last week. The invite I sent out said, "I have some life-changing news that I want to personally share with my close friends.  P.S.  I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not pregnant. ;)"  I had no idea how spun up people would get about it!  You should have heard the guesses!  It was hillarious.  The overwhelming suspicion was that we had decided to adopt.  Anyway, there were about 10 girls here.  We had a great lunch.  Then I started off by telling them that I brought them together, because they are my closest friends.  They all know how I've struggled with my weight.  When I actually told them about my surgery plans, I got kind of emotional.  People were surprised, that's for sure.  But there was such an overwhelming amount of cheer and support.  I could just feel it all around me.  They all asked a bunch of questions, and even had some suggestions too.  I am sooooo blessed that I have such a wonderful group of friends.  I was so nervous just before everyone got there, but in the end, it was the best way to announce my new life!  Now I know I have the support of local friends, in addition to all my friends at OH!  :)  Again, I truly feel blessed...I have such great friends!

About Me
Sanford, NC
Surgery Date
Aug 17, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Before surgery

Friends 94

Latest Blog 51
Happy 1st Surgiversary to Me - I have BIG News!!! - 10/9/2008
Happy Birthday to Me - 08/13/2008
10 Month Surgiversary! - 08/09/2008
Feeling normal again - 7/30/2008
I lost the baby - 7/23/2008
The Big Wow - I'M PREGNANT!!! - 7/22/2008
7-17-2008 - I'm An After!
6/11/2008 - Goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6/9/2008 - 8 months and life is a blast!
