
Jul 18, 2006

Today, Dan & I have been married 2 months! We are SOOO happy together. He is the BEST husband in the world! He treats me like a princess. *smile*


May 18, 2006

I found my "Cloud Nine"!!
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I GOT MARRIED!! Dan (Cajun Xpress) and I are now husband and wife!
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Click Here To Visit Our Joint Profile


Sep 28, 2005

Brad was here in his hometown for his 35th Birthday!! He gave a scholorship benefit concert tonight. 
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Brad, my daughter, and I Backstage Before His Concert

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This Was Taken By A Photographer That Used To Shoot For Southern Living Magazine

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***Brad and I After The Concert


Sep 19, 2005

 I am now 2 1/2 years post -op.....I have NOT had any plastic surgery YET....I was denied twice, but I will keep trying.
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Sep 15, 2005

Girls Night Out; Dixie Dawn and Me!!
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Sep 03, 2005

Tonight was Brad Cotter's 2nd Annual Party on Lake Martin!! All the proceeds went to the Red Cross for the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund. The concert was awesome!! I have pictures in my Yahoo album for you to see!
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Brad Cotter 2nd Annual Party On Lake Martin 9/04/05

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Aug 31, 2005

It's been 4 weeks since my surgery and I am getting better every day. I still get tired easily and have lifting limits. I am soooo much better than prior to the surgery. I think I am fixed!!


Aug 08, 2005

Sorry for not updating till now, but I am still not able to sit up straight. I am on Greg's laptop right now. I was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday, Aug. 3 and had scans and x-rays done and had surgery on Thursday.

I am still very sore, aching, and swollen. But hopefully that will go away soon.

Dr.Freeman had more to fix that he first thought. He was able to do the surgery laproscopically, making 5 little incisions.

He repaired 3 bowel obstructions and wound up fixing an internal hernia without realizing it till he did it.

He first found lots of adhesions in the first part of the intestines and removed them. They were bulging to the point of forming their own "pocket" that would sometimes trap food and/ or actual intestine, and strangling the intestine, causing the excrutiating pain.
He was very thorough and went over every inch of my insides looking for obstructions or problems. He found adhesions everywhere.
The second thing that he found hidden under the folds of intestines, a "space", (looks like a hole), he closed that with sutures so that nothing will be able to go into that space again. Intestines were going thru the space causing them to be twisted.
He also found a place where the intestines had grown together and he cut them apart.

I don't remember waking up in the recovery room, but I do remember the feeling that my insides were going to explode and ribs were breaking. Morphine helped that though. I have bruises all over both arms & hands from the IV's. Four of them infiltrated. I had fluids and morphine going under the skin causing my hand and wrist to become huge. Ouch.

He stitched me inside and out, instead of using staples so that if I don't have any problems, I don't have to make the two hour trip for a follow- up visit. He did tell me that if I EVER have thoses kinds of pains again, to get to his office immediately, so he can see what's going on.
It is a very strange feeling to actually be able to eat and have it go thru like it is supposed to!

It's been a long year with the pain, but hopefully that is a thing of the past.

I want to thank my OH family for the calls, visits, emails, snail mail, signing my page, and the prayers.

Special thanks go out to Dan aka Cajun Xpress (Daddy) for all the love that he has shown me, the updates, and checking on me (and making me eat). You are truly a VERY special person and may you always be blessed.
I love you.

Last, but definitly not least, my BEST friend in the world, Dixie Dawn. You are the greatest friend that anyone could ever want. Thanks for everything that you have done for me and the chicklettes. lol I love you girl. I thank God for you, DD.

I'll update more later. Headed back to bed......


Aug 07, 2005

and another....up to EIGHT now.
Kimberly T's Profile


Jul 22, 2005

Teann from WV, a long time OH'er, came for a few days to visit with us. She is a great friend to have. We love you Te!!
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Dixie Dawn & Me 07/23/05

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Teann and Me 07/23/05

About Me
War Eagle, AL
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Before surgery~ size 20/22
Post-Op ~ Size 4

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Just Me
WOW! It's Already MAY!!
Med Id's and More...
Time Flies!! Sometimes.
Tuesday March 6 DENTIST!!!
It's March!
Here's What The Doctor Said ...Post op Ear Surgery
